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[英]Include smarty in php's __autoload gives Class 'Smarty_Internal_Template' not found

I have a autoload function like this: 我有这样的自动加载功能:

function __autoload($class)
    //define('DOCROOT', dirname(__FILE__));

    $filename = "../sys/class/class." . strtolower($class) . ".inc.php";
    //$filename = DOCROOT . "/sys/class/class." . strtolower($class) . ".inc.php";

    if ( file_exists($filename) )
            include_once $filename;


I renamed the smarty file to class.smarty.inc.php so it's included in the autoload, but I get this error: 我将smarty文件重命名为class.smarty.inc.php因此它包含在自动加载中,但是我收到此错误:

Fatal error: Class 'Smarty_Internal_Template' not found in /var/www/v3/sys/class/class.smarty.inc.php on line 441 

Don't know what that mean.. 不知道那是什么意思..

Do NOT modify 3rd-party-libraries. 不要修改第三方的库。 Just create a second autoloader that follows Smarty's naming convention. 只需按照Smarty的命名约定创建第二个自动加载器。

function defaultAutoloader($className) {
    // your code ($file = /path/to/my/lib/{{ CLASS }}.inc.php)

    if (file_exists($file)) {
        require $file;
        return true;

    return false;

function smartyAutoloader($className) {
    // code ($file = /path/to/smarty/{{ CLASS }}.php)

    if (file_exists($file)) {
        require $file;
        return true;

    return false;


The way your autoloader maps the classname to a filename leads to the filename class.smarty_internal_template.inc.php , which is obviously not the filename you expect. 自动加载器将类名映射到文件名的方式会导致文件class.smarty_internal_template.inc.php ,这显然不是您期望的文件名。 I dont know how Smarty is structured, but you should make sure the autoloader can find any of its classes. 我不知道Smarty是如何构造的,但你应该确保自动加载器可以找到它的任何类。

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