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[英]Attempting to create a pointer to previous object inside object

I'm attempting to create a vector of pointers to Nodes, where each node stores a pointer to the previous Node in the list. 我试图创建一个指向节点的指针的向量,其中每个节点在列表中存储指向前一个节点的指针。

I made a small test program to see if I could access a variable gscore in the previous object to the one I call. 我编写了一个小型测试程序,以查看是否可以在上一个对象中访问我所调用的对象中的变量gscore。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct Node
    Node(int gscore1)
        gscore = gscore1;

    Node *previous;
    int gscore;

int main()
    std::vector<Node*> nodeVec;

    Node *tempnode;
    tempnode = new Node(10);
    Node *tempnode2;
    tempnode = new Node(11);


    nodeVec[1]->previous = tempnode;

    cout << nodeVec[1]->previous->gscore << endl;

    return 0;

However this results in a crash. 但是,这会导致崩溃。 What is the correct way to do this? 正确的方法是什么?

You never initialize tempnode2. 您永远不会初始化tempnode2。 You initialize tempnode twice. 您初始化tempnode两次。

int main()
    std::vector<Node*> nodeVec;

    Node *tempnode;
    tempnode = new Node(10);
    Node *tempnode2;
    tempnode2 = new Node(11); // <<---- HERE


    nodeVec[1]->previous = tempnode;

    cout << nodeVec[1]->previous->gscore << endl;

    return 0;

Looks like a typing error. 看起来像是打字错误。 The third line in main() should be tempnode2 not tempnode. main()中的第三行应该是tempnode2而不是tempnode。

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