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Oracle:select * from(select table_name from ...)?

[英]Oracle: select * from (select table_name from … )?

Given a query that returns the name of tables, is it possible to evaluate the name and use it in a subsequent query? 给定一个返回表名的查询,是否可以评估名称并在后续查询中使用它?

EG 例如

select count(1) from x where x in 
    (select table_name from ALL_TABLES where table_name like 'MY_TABLE_%');

Obviously this is invalid syntax, but it should illustrate what I'm trying to do. 显然这是无效的语法,但它应该说明我正在尝试做什么。

You can, but it requires that you resort to an XML query . 您可以,但它需要您使用XML查询

             dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select count(*) c ' ||
                                ' from '||owner||'.'||table_name))
           ,'/ROWSET/ROW/C')) count
   from all_tables
  where table_name like 'MY_TABLE_%'

try to use something like 试着用类似的东西

select table_name
into table_name_value
from ALL_TABLES where table_name like 'MY_TABLE_%');

execute immediate 'select count(1) from ' || table_name_value into returned_value;

and adopt it into your loop 并将其纳入你的循环中

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