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[英]Imagemagick animated gif size optimization

I am use this code to resize and save a animated gif (php): 我正在使用此代码来调整大小并保存动画gif(php):

system("convert *originalfile* -resize *size* -coalesce *newfile*); 

Once done the filesize is quite large. 完成后,文件大小会很大。 Usually larger than the original even! 通常比原来还要大! What can I do to reduce the file size? 如何减少文件大小?

I used convert $completeMiff -dither none -matte -depth 8 -deconstruct -layers optimizePlus -colors 32 $optimizedFile_16 and the file gets even bigger??? 我使用了convert $completeMiff -dither none -matte -depth 8 -deconstruct -layers optimizePlus -colors 32 $optimizedFile_16 ,文件变得更大了???

Add -layers optimize 添加-layers optimize

system("convert *originalfile* -resize *size* -coalesce -layers optimize *newfile*"); 

That worked well enough for me, when I faced this issue. 当我遇到这个问题时,这对我来说已经足够好了。 Looks like there are some more advanced options discussed here as well 看起来这里也讨论了一些更高级的选项

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