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[英]How can I replace a keyword but in HTML tags by JavaScript regular expression?

Here's some codes: 这是一些代码:

<p id="para">
    This is my webpage:
    <a href="http://example.com">

<script type="text/javascript">
    var para = document.getElementById('para').innerHTML;
    var re = new RegExp(/(http:\/\/example\.com)/, 'gi'); // Should be fixed

    para = para.replace(re, '<strong>$1</strong>');

    // Result HTML code will be something like below:
    // <p id="para">
    //     This is my webpage:
    //     <a href="&lt;strong&gt;http://example.com&lt;/strong&gt;">
    //         <strong>http://example.com</strong>
    //     </a>
    //     <strong>http://example.com</strong>
    // </p>
    // So, I don't want to change the tag attribute,
    // and want to write regexp to avoid this problem.

Hopegully, this make sense. 希望,这是有道理的。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。


I'm sorry I've changed the code a bit. 对不起,我已经改变了一些代码。 Added addtional http://example.com under the a tag. 新增addtional http://example.com的下a标签。 I'd also like to put <strong> tag here but a 's attribute. 我还想提出<strong>此标签,但a的属性。

/<a.+?>(.+)</a>/ is the regex you're looking for. /<a.+?>(.+)</a>/是你正在寻找的正则表达式。 With gi as flags. gi为旗帜。

EDIT in response to the question update: 编辑以回应问题更新:

var para = document.getElementById('foo');
para.innerHTML = ( para.innerHTML.replace(/[^"'](http:\/\/.+?)\s/gi, '<strong>$1</strong>'));

Simplest way is to probably use 2 regexs one for the HTML encoded version and another for the non-encoded version. 最简单的方法是使用2个正则表达式,一个用于HTML编码版本,另一个用于非编码版本。

The first one would be /(http:\\/\\/example.com)/ 第一个是/(http:\\/\\/example.com)/

The second one would be /http:\\/\\/example.com(?=")/. This one uses a lookahead. It assumes you have " at the end of the URL. 第二个是/http:\\/\\/example.com(?=")/。这个使用前瞻。它假设你有“在URL的末尾。 You could also try a lookbehind but from what I recall support lookbehind is not always supported Javascript. 你也可以尝试一下lookbehind但是我记得支持lookbehind并不总是支持Javascript。 So lookahead might be the way to go. 因此,前瞻可能是要走的路。

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