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C ++ 0x decltype和范围解析运算符

[英]C++0x decltype and the scope resolution operator

With a class such as Foo: 有了像Foo这样的课程:

struct Foo { static const int i = 9; };

I find that GCC 4.5 will reject the following 我发现GCC 4.5将拒绝以下内容

Foo f;
int x = decltype(f)::i;

It will work if I use an intermediate typedef, such as: 如果我使用中间typedef,它将起作用,例如:

typedef decltype(f) ftype;
int x = ftype::i;

but I prefer to keep the namespace clean. 但我更喜欢保持名称空间清洁。 I thought precedence may be an issue, so I've also tried parentheses, but no luck. 我认为优先权可能是一个问题,所以我也试过括号,但没有运气。 Is it impossible as presented, or is there a piece of syntax that can help me? 它是不可能的,或者是否有一段语法可以帮助我?

It is valid C++0x to say decltype(f)::i . decltype(f)::i是有效的C ++ 0x。 GCC just doesn't support it yet. GCC还不支持它。 You can work it around with an identity template 您可以使用身份模板进行处理

template<typename T> struct identity { typedef T type; };
int x = identity<decltype(f)>::type::i;

identity is part of the boost::mpl namespace. identityboost::mpl名称空间的一部分。

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