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哪个是用于rails 3的最好的亚马逊SES(电子邮件)宝石?

[英]Which is the best amazon SES (email) gem to use for rails 3?

I understand this question is subjective but I want to get a feel for peoples opinions. 我知道这个问题是主观的,但我想了解一下人们的意见。

For my needs, I want to send out lots of emails to lots of different mailing lists. 根据我的需要,我想向很多不同的邮件列表发送大量电子邮件。

Currently, I am trying to pick between: 目前,我正在尝试选择:

What do you think? 你怎么看?

We're using aws-ses gem in production. 我们在生产中使用aws-ses gem。

Here's a simple guide how to set up it: http://www.ceban.it/2011/04/rails-amazon-ses-send-email-with-amazon/ 以下是如何设置它的简单指南: http//www.ceban.it/2011/04/rails-amazon-ses-send-email-with-amazon/

Just browsing through the code base aws-ses has tests and many more followers. 只是浏览代码库aws-ses有测试和更多的追随者。 Plus it is actively being maintained. 此外,它正在积极维护。 I'd stick with that. 我坚持这一点。 SES is new so stay on the lookout I'm sure more options will spring up in the next few months. SES是新的,所以保持警惕我确信在接下来的几个月里会有更多的选择。 Good Luck. 祝好运。

While as suggested 'aws-ses' gem is good, it's just a wrapper over the 'aws-sdk-v1' gem which already has the client for SES service. 虽然建议'aws-ses'宝石是好的,但它只是'aws-sdk-v1'宝石的包装,它已经拥有SES服务的客户端。 I'll suggest to use the official ' aws-sdk-v1 ' or v2 instead. 我建议使用官方的' aws-sdk-v1 '或v2代替。 They have good documentation of all the configurations and options. 他们拥有所有配置和选项的良好文档。

For simple transaction based emails - contact us, new user, password reset, etc - try the ses_api-rails gem. 对于简单的基于事务的电子邮件 - 联系我们,新用户,密码重置等 - 尝试ses_api-rails gem。

Available as a gem gem 'ses_api-rails' and via source at ses_api-rails gem 可作为宝石gem 'ses_api-rails'ses_api-rails gem的源代码

Set your AWS credentials in an initiliazer and then extend a mailer. 在initiliazer中设置AWS凭据,然后扩展邮件程序。 It incorporates all the functionality of Rails and uses the updated Signature Version 4 signing process. 它结合了Rails的所有功能,并使用更新的签名版本4签名过程。

如果你需要发送简报,我写了一个包含aws_ses的宝石,其中包含处理新闻简报的功能(例如新闻稿模型,处理投诉的服务。试一试让我知道。它的名字是aws_ses_newsletters (来源: https:/ /github.com/10Pines/aws_ses_newsletters

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