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[英]How do I return values from a Perl method in a Vim script?

I'm writing a Vim script. 我正在写一个Vim脚本。 I have a function that uses embedded Perl. 我有一个使用嵌入式Perl的函数。 How do I return values from my Perl code? 如何从Perl代码返回值?

The key is to escape any single quotes in the value you are trying to return, and then use VIM::DoCommand("return '$data'") . 关键是要逃避您尝试返回的值中的任何单引号,然后使用VIM::DoCommand("return '$data'")

For example: 例如:

function PhoneHome()
    perl << EOF
        use IO::Socket;
        my $mothership = IO::Socket->INET->connect()
        my $data = <$mothership>;
        $data =~ s|'|''|g; # escape '
        VIM::DoCommand("return '$data'")

Also see :help perl and :help perl-DoCommand . 另请参阅:help perl:help perl-DoCommand But for the most part this is not really documented. 但在大多数情况下,这并没有真正记录在案。

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