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[英]What can I do about Mechanize waiting on an unresponsive web site?

I noticed that when I fetch a site that is not responding using Mechanize , it just keeps on waiting. 我注意到当我获取一个没有使用Mechanize响应的网站时,它只是在等待。

How can I overcome this problem? 我怎样才能克服这个问题?

There's a couple ways to deal with it. 有几种方法可以解决它。

Open-Uri, and Net::HTTP have ways of passing in timeout values, which then tell the underlying networking stack how long you are willing to wait. Open-Uri和Net :: HTTP都有传递超时值的方法,然后告诉底层网络堆栈你愿意等多久。 For instance, Mechanize lets you get at its settings when you initialize an instance, something like: 例如,Mechanize允许您在初始化实例时获取其设置,例如:

mech = Mechanize.new { |agent|
  agent.open_timeout   = 5
  agent.read_timeout   = 5

It's all in the docs for new but you'll have to view the source to see what instance variables you can get at. 这一切都在new文档中,但您必须查看源代码以查看可以获得的实例变量。

Or you can use Ruby's timeout module: 或者你可以使用Ruby的timeout模块:

require 'timeout'
status = Timeout::timeout(5) {
  # Something that should be interrupted if it takes too much time...

http://mechanize.rubyforge.org/mechanize/Mechanize.html on this page there are 2 undocumented attributes open_timeout and read_timeout , try using them. http://mechanize.rubyforge.org/mechanize/Mechanize.html此页面上有2个无证属性open_timeoutread_timeout ,请尝试使用它们。

agent = Mechanize.new { |a| a.log = Logger.new("mech.log") }


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