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[英]Many to Many Query in Entity Framework 4

I have have a many to many relationship in my database. 我的数据库中有很多关系。 The two end tables are BlogPost and Item and the table in the middle is ItemBlogPost. 两个结束表是BlogPost和Item,中间的表是ItemBlogPost。 I need to get back all of the BlogPosts related to a specific item. 我需要找回与特定项目相关的所有BlogPost。 In SQL I would do it like this: 在SQL中,我会这样做:

SELECT BlogPost.*
FROM BlogPost
    JOIN ItemBlogPost ON BlogPost.ID = ItemBlogPost.BlogPost_ID
WHERE ItemBlogPost.Item_ID = @Item_ID

In C# I have something similar: 在C#中我有类似的东西:

IQueryable<BlogPost> itemBlogPosts = from b in connection.BlogPosts
                                     where b.Items == item.ID 
                                     orderby b.Content.CreateDate descending
                                     select b;

However, the line marked b.Items doesn't give me a list of the Item properties and there is no b.ItemBlogPost to look at the intermediary table. 但是,标记为b.Items的行没有给出Item属性的列表,并且没有b.ItemBlogPost来查看中间表。 I also tried doing b.Items.Contains(item) but that also failed. 我也尝试过做b.Items.Contains(item)但也失败了。 How can I make this work in LINQ to EF4? 如何在LINQ to EF4中完成这项工作?

What about this: 那这个呢:

var itemBlogPosts = from i in connection.Items
                    from b in i.BlogPosts // I suppose you have a nav. property on Item
                    where i.Id == itemId
                    select b; 

The same query can be also defined by: 同样的查询也可以通过以下方式定义:

var itemBlogPosts = connection.Items
                              .Where(i => i.Id == itemId)
                              .SelectMany(i => i.BlogPosts);

Can you just do this: 你能做到这一点:

var itemBlogPosts = connection.Items.Single(b => b.ID == item.ID).BlogPosts;

Since you are using EF it should handle the many-to-many mapping for you and you should have BlogPosts as a navigation item in your Item Object. 由于您使用EF,它应该为您处理多对多映射,您应该将BlogPosts作为项目对象中的导航项。

If: 如果:

  1. You generated a model from the database (so not model-first) 您从数据库生成了一个模型(因此不是模型优先)
  2. The connecting table contains exactly two foreign keys (without additional columns) 连接表恰好包含两个外键(没有附加列)
  3. The foreign keys were set up in the right way 外键是以正确的方式设置的

Then: 然后:

  1. EF would have generated classes for you that contain so-called navigation properties on "both sides". EF会为您生成包含“双方”所谓导航属性的类。 A navigation property (collection of Items) on BlogPost and a nav.prop. BlogPost上的导航属性(Items集合)和nav.prop。 (collection of BlogPosts) on Item. 项目上的(BlogPosts集合)。

This way: 这条路:

  1. You can traverse the object graph bidirectional. 您可以双向遍历对象图。 Getting all the blogposts for a specific item or the other way around getting all the items for a certain blogpost. 获取特定项目的所有博客帖子,或者获取特定博客帖子的所有项目。

So when you have your specific item by hand you can just create a collection of related blogposts by doing: 因此,当您手动拥有特定项目时,您可以通过以下方式创建相关博客帖子的集合:

Item item = context.Items.Include("BlogPosts").FirstOrDefault<Item>(i => i.ID = someID)

Now you have a specific item with the collection of blogposts filled (if any were related to this item). 现在您有一个特定的项目,其中填充了博客帖子(如果有任何与此项目相关)。

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