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[英]Joining a list of python objects with __str__ method

I've already looked at this question on representing strings in Python but my question is slightly different. 我已经看过这个关于在Python中表示字符串的问题,但我的问题略有不同。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

>>> class WeirdThing(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.me = time.time()
...     def __str__(self):
...         return "%s" % self.me
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return ";%s;" % self.me
>>> weird_list = [WeirdThing(), WeirdThing(), WeirdThing()]
>>> print weird_list
[;1302217717.89;, ;1302217717.89;, ;1302217717.89;]
>>> "\n".join(weird_list)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, WeirdThing found

I realize that this works: 我意识到这有效:

>>> "\n".join(str(wi) for wi in weird_list)

Still it would be nice to avoid doing that every time I want to join the objects together. 每次我想要将对象连接在一起时,避免这样做仍然会很好。 Is it simply not possible? 这根本不可能吗?

You have to stringify your objects before you can join them. 您必须先对对象进行字符串化,然后才能加入它们。 This is because str.join expects a series of strings, and you must give it a series of strings. 这是因为str.join需要一系列字符串,你必须给它一系列字符串。

For the sake of less typing at the cost of readability, you can do "\\n".join(map(str, list_of_things) . 为了便于输入而不考虑可读性,可以执行"\\n".join(map(str, list_of_things)

There are probably no amazing way. 可能没什么惊人的方式。

def strjoin(glue, iterable):
    return glue.join(str(s) for s in iterable)

"...it would be nice to avoid doing that every time..." “......每次都避免这样做会很好......”

You want to avoid repeating that same code multiple times? 您想避免多次重复相同的代码吗? Then use a function;: 然后使用函数;:

def join_as_str(alist):
    return "\n".join(str(item) for item in alist)

Would it work for you if you added an __add__ method? 如果添加__add__方法,它会对你__add__吗? Eg, 例如,

from operator import add
from random import randint

class WeirdThing(object):
    def __init__(self,me=None):
        self.me = me if me else chr(randint(97,122))
    def __str__(self):
        return "%s" % self.me
    def __repr__(self):
        return ";%s;" % self.me
    def __add__(self,other):
        new_me = add(str(self.me),str(other.me))
        return WeirdThing(new_me)

weird_list = [WeirdThing(), WeirdThing(), WeirdThing()]
print weird_list

gives, 给,

[;y;, ;v;, ;u;]

and this, 和这个,

strange_thing = reduce(add,weird_list)
print strange_thing

gives, 给,


You technically aren't joining the list of python objects, just their string representation. 从技术上讲,您不会加入python对象列表,只是它们的字符串表示。

>>> reduce(lambda x,y: "%s\n%s" % (x,y), weird_list)

This works as well but doesn't look any nicer: 这也有效,但看起来并不好看:

>>> a = ""
>>> for x in weird_list:
...     a+="%s\n" % x
>>> print a


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