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为旧式C链表界面提供C ++迭代器

[英]Providing c++ iterators for a legacy C linked-list interface

I have a Visual Studo 2008 C++ application where I am trying to add iterator support to a legacy C-API's linked-list structure. 我有一个Visual Studo 2008 C ++应用程序,试图在其中将迭代器支持添加到旧版C-API的链表结构中。 The C interface looks like this: C接口如下所示:

typedef struct _LINKED_LIST_INFO {
    struct _LINKED_LIST_INFO* Next;
    const char* name;
    // more elements. some are fixed-size; others are pointers to other structures.

DWORD GetLinkedList( LINKED_LIST_INFO* pInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen );

I would like to be able to use it like this: 我希望能够像这样使用它:

int _tmain( int /*argc*/, _TCHAR* /*argv*/[] )
    MyLinkedList elements;
    for( MyLinkedList::const_iterator it = elements.begin();
         it != elements.end();
         ++it )
        printf( "Name: %s\r\n", it->Name().c_str() );

    return 0;

So, I've created these 3 classes. 因此,我创建了这3个类。 But, my MyInfoIterator class has a problem with the operator->() . 但是,我的MyInfoIterator类的operator->()有问题。 I can't return a temporary pointer to MyInfo , so I get the error: error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'MyInfo' to 'const MyInfo *' 我无法返回指向MyInfo的临时指针,所以出现错误: error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'MyInfo' to 'const MyInfo *'

What is a good solution to this problem? 对这个问题有什么好的解决方案?

/// wrap the legacy C structure and provide C++ accessors
class MyInfo

    MyInfo( const LINKED_LIST_INFO& info ) : elem_( info ) { };

    std::string Name() const { return elem_.name; };

    /// one element of the linked list
    const LINKED_LIST_INFO& elem_;
}; // class MyInfo

namespace detail {

/// buffer to hold the legacy C linked-list
typedef std::vector< BYTE > MyBuffer;

/// iterator support for the legacy C linked-list
class MyInfoIterator 
    : public std::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, MyInfo > 
    explicit MyInfoIterator( MyBuffer& list ) : data_( list )
        elem_ = reinterpret_cast< LINKED_LIST_INFO* >( &data_.front() );

    MyInfoIterator() : elem_( NULL ) { };

    MyInfoIterator& operator++() 
        elem_ = elem_->Next;
        return *this;

    value_type operator*() { return *elem_; };

    //  error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'MyInfo' to 'const MyInfo *'
    const value_type* operator->() { return elem_; };

    friend bool operator==( const MyInfoIterator& i, 
                            const MyInfoIterator& j ) 
        return i.elem_ == j.elem_;


    /// linked-list of elements
    MyBuffer data_;

    /// current position within the element list
    LINKED_LIST_INFO* elem_;

}; // class MyInfoIterator

bool operator!=( const MyInfoIterator& i, const MyInfoIterator& j ) 
    return !operator==( i, j );

}; // namespace detail

/// provide iterator access for the legacy C linked-list API
class MyLinkedList
    typedef detail::MyInfoIterator const_iterator;

    const_iterator begin() const 
        ULONG size = sizeof( LINKED_LIST_INFO );
        detail::MyBuffer buffer( size );

        DWORD ec = ::GetLinkedList( 
            reinterpret_cast< LINKED_LIST_INFO* >( &buffer.front() ), &size );
        if( ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW == ec )
            buffer.resize( size );
            ec = ::GetLinkedList( 
                reinterpret_cast< LINKED_LIST_INFO* >( &buffer.front() ), &size );

        if( ERROR_SUCCESS != ec )
            Win32Exception::Throw( ec );

        return const_iterator( buffer ); 

    const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(); };

}; // class MyInfo

Thanks, PaulH 谢谢PaulH

Edit: 编辑:

I cannot change the legacy API or it's associated structure. 我无法更改旧版API或它的关联结构。

Edit2: EDIT2:

I think I have a working solution that preserves my intent of hiding the underlying linked-list implementation and maintains the separation of responsibilities for each class by returning the address of a static MyInfo . 我认为我有一个可行的解决方案,可以保留隐藏底层链接列表实现的意图,并通过返回static MyInfo的地址来维护每个类的职责分离。

class MyInfo
   // ...
    MyInfo() : info_( NULL ) { };
    void Set( const LINKED_LIST_INFO* info ) { info_ = info; };
    friend MyInfoIterator;
    const LINKED_LIST_INFO* info_;

const value_type& MyInfoIterator::operator*() const 
    static MyInfo info;
    info.Set( elem_ );
    return info;

const value_type* MyInfoIterator::operator->() const
    static MyInfo info;
    info.Set( elem_ );
    return &info; 

Keep it simple : 把事情简单化 :

class MyInfoIterator 
    : public std::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, _LINKED_LIST_INFO >
    MyInfoIterator(_LINKED_LIST_INFO* pointer) : p(pointer) {}

    [Same as you did]

    value_type& operator*() { return *p; }

I believe your value_type is wrong ... if you inherit STL iterator as an interface the value type needs to be of the type you contain. 我相信您的value_type是错误的...如果您将STL迭代器作为接口继承,则值类型必须为您所包含的类型。 In your case you say that you contain elements of MyInfo but you are attempting to return a LINKED_LIST_INFO* 在您的情况下,您说您包含MyInfo元素,但是您尝试返回LINKED_LIST_INFO*

Either return a MyInfo or declare your iterator container to have a value_type of LINKED_LIST_INFO . 返回MyInfo或声明您的迭代器容器的value_typeLINKED_LIST_INFO

Probably want the first option as you may need the helper class for accessor methods to be able to properly manipulate the members of the struct. 可能需要第一个选项,因为您可能需要辅助类来使访问器方法能够正确地操纵结构的成员。

Edit: 编辑:

Naturally you should realize that simply having a std::vector<LINKED_LIST_INFO> or std::vector<MyInfo> gives you all the functionality you need with none of the implementation and maintenance issues. 自然地,您应该认识到,仅拥有std::vector<LINKED_LIST_INFO>std::vector<MyInfo>为您提供所需的所有功能,而没有实现和维护问题。

Edit #2: 编辑#2:

Actually you can't have a std::vector<MyInfo> because it's not default constructible so once you resolve your current error you will get another one based on typedef std::vector< MyInfo > MyBuffer; 实际上,您没有std::vector<MyInfo>因为它不是默认可构造的,因此一旦解决了当前错误,您将获得另一个基于typedef std::vector< MyInfo > MyBuffer; which will fail to resolve in template construction until you provide a default constructor for MyInfo 在为MyInfo提供默认构造函数之前,它将无法在模板构造中解决

Edit #3: 编辑#3:

Your value_type operator*() { return *elem_; } 您的value_type operator*() { return *elem_; } value_type operator*() { return *elem_; } is rather improperly formed. value_type operator*() { return *elem_; }的格式不正确。 You should not return a copy of the internal object after this binary operation. 在执行此二进制操作后,您不应返回内部对象的副本。 You should return a reference. 您应该返回参考。 In your case you're treating this as a deref rather than a multiplication operation which is fine but a copy-by-value return is still wrong. 在您的情况下,您将其视为deref而不是乘法运算,这很好,但是按值复制返回仍然是错误的。

It looks like just returning the address of elem_ should do it. 看起来只需返回elem_的地址elem_

const value_type* operator->() { return &elem_; };

Are you sure it wouldn't be less work to change your legacy list to a std::list or std::vector as appropriate though? 您确定将旧列表适当地更改为std::liststd::vector工作不会少吗?

This is horrible (you should not do this) : 这太可怕了(您不应该这样做):

class MyInfo {
   char* name() const {
      return ((_LINKED_LIST_INFO*)this)->name;

class MyInfoIterator 
: public std::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, MyInfo>
    MyInfoIterator(LINKED_LIST_INFO* pointer) : p(pointer) {}

    [Same as you did]

    reference operator*() const { return *(MyInfo*)p; }

The clean way is probably : 干净的方法可能是:

class MyInfo {


    const LINKED_LIST_INFO* elem_;

class MyInfoIterator 
: public std::iterator< std::input_iterator_tag, MyInfo>
   mutable MyInfo p;
    MyInfoIterator(LINKED_LIST_INFO* pointer) : p(pointer) {}


    reference& operator*() const { return p; }
    pointer_type operator->() const { return &p; }

This is how some Boost iterator are implemented (I mean the clean way, not the first one), see [1] for example. 这就是一些Boost迭代器的实现方式(我的意思是干净的方法,而不是第一种),例如,请参见[1]。

[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/libs/iterator/doc/counting_iterator.html [1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/libs/iterator/doc/counting_iterator.html

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