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如何在Android Market中发布之前为Android应用程序设置试用期?

[英]How do I set trial period to android application before publishing in android market?

I have one query regarding android market. 我有一个关于Android市场的查询。 Actually I am going to launch an android application in market. 实际上,我将在市场上启动一个android应用程序。 I have read all steps before launching app in market means that versioning of app, signing of app and licensing of app. 在市场上启动应用程序之前,我已经阅读了所有步骤,这意味着应用程序的版本控制,应用程序签名和应用程序许可。 Actually the licensing of app is only for paid app. 实际上,应用程序的许可仅适用于付费应用程序。 But I am going to launch my app using trial period. 但是我将在试用期内启动我的应用程序。 Suppose I want to publish my app for 30 days free to the user. 假设我想向用户免费发布30天的应用程序。 After 30 days when user going to open that app, it will not be further accessible to the user. 用户要打开该应用程序30天后,该用户将无法再访问该应用程序。 It will tell to the user to purchase it from the market. 它会告诉用户从市场上购买它。

is Licensing of app will be useful in this case? 应用许可在这种情况下会有用吗? I have read that docs, but i am not getting the clear idea. 我已经看过该文档,但是我不清楚。 Please suggest me what should I do in this case? 请建议我在这种情况下该怎么办?

There's no easy way to do that that get's around uninstalling and reinstalling the app. 没有简单的方法可以解决卸载和重新安装该应用程序的问题。 You can do it by autogenerating some sort of login and using a unique device ID and communicating it to a server you own. 您可以通过自动生成某种登录名并使用唯一的设备ID并将其传达给您拥有的服务器来实现。

The licensing service is only available on paid apps. 许可服务仅在付费应用程序上可用。 That means that there is no way to use the licensing service with your free trial app. 这意味着您无法在免费试用版应用中使用许可服务。

If you want to avoid a user reinstalling the app and using it for 30 days again Mike is right. 如果您想避免用户重新安装该应用程序并使用30天,则Mike是正确的。 Get the device ID or IMEI of the handset, for privacy reasons please generate a hash from the id and store the hash on your own server component. 获取手机的设备ID或IMEI,出于隐私保护的原因,请根据ID生成哈希并将哈希存储在您自己的服务器组件中。 Now every time an app starts the hash is sent to the server and the server replies how many days the user used your app. 现在,每次应用启动时,哈希都会发送到服务器,服务器会回复用户使用您的应用的天数。


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