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在CRM 4.0中自定义接近机会对话框

[英]Customizing close opportunity dialogue box in crm 4.0

I need to add a new field to the close opportunity dialog box. 我需要在“关闭机会”对话框中添加一个新字段。

Is there any way to do this? 有什么办法吗?

This Form is not covered by the SDK and therefore not customizable. 此表格未包含在SDK中,因此无法自定义。 You could try to edit the .aspx-file, which is totally unsupported, but you are not able to change the built-in process of this dialog. 您可以尝试编辑.aspx文件,这是完全不受支持的,但是您无法更改此对话框的内置过程。

See the list of Unsupported changes 请参阅不支持的更改列表

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