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C ++:不区分大小写的first-n-characters字符串比较

[英]C++: case-insensitive first-n-characters string comparison

My question is similar to this , but I have two strings (as char * ) and the task is to replace strnicmp function (avaible only for MS VC) with something like boost::iequals . 我的问题与类似,但我有两个字符串(作为char * ),任务是用boost::iequals替换strnicmp函数(仅适用于MS VC)。

Note strnicmp is not stricmp - it only compares first n characters. 注意strnicmp不是stricmp - 它只比较前n个字符。

Is there any solution simplier than this: 有没有比这更简单的解决方案:

void foo(const char *s1, const char *s2) 

    std::string str1 = s1;
    std::string str2 = s2;
    int n = 7;

    if (boost::iequals(str1.substr(0, n), str2)) {

If it's really necessary, write your own function: 如果确实有必要,请编写自己的函数:

bool mystrnicmp(char const* s1, char const* s2, int n){
  for(int i=0; i < n; ++i){
    unsigned char c1 = static_cast<unsigned char>(s1[i]);
    unsigned char c2 = static_cast<unsigned char>(s2[i]);
    if(tolower(c1) != tolower(c2))
      return false;
    if(c1 == '\0' || c2 == '\0')
  return true;

For case insensitivity, you need a custom comparison function (or functor): 对于不区分大小写,您需要自定义比较函数(或仿函数):

struct EqIgnoreCase
    bool operator()( char lhs, char rhs ) const
        return ::tolower( static_cast<unsigned char>( lhs ) )
            == ::tolower( static_cast<unsigned char>( rhs ) );

If I understand correctly, you're checking for a prefix. 如果我理解正确,您正在检查前缀。 The simplest way to do this is: 最简单的方法是:

isPrefix( std::string const& s1, std::string const& s2 )
    return s1.size() <= s2.size()
        && std::equals( s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(), EqIgnoreCase() );

(Note the check of the sizes. s1 can't be a prefix of s2 if it it longer than s2 . And of course, std::equals will encounter undefined behavior if called with s1 longer than s2 .) (注意大小的检查。 s1不可能的前缀s2 ,如果它长于s2 。当然, std::equals会遇到,如果调用未定义行为s1长于s2 )。

For a function defined in terms of C strings (character pointers) going "up" to STL strings seems horribly inefficient, but maybe that's totally premature thinking on my part. 对于根据C字符串(字符指针)定义的函数,“向上”到STL字符串似乎非常低效,但也许这对我来说是完全过早的思考。

I would consider a straight C solution "simpler", but again that depends on one's perspective. 我认为直接的C解决方案“更简单”,但这又取决于一个人的观点。

#include <ctype.h>

void foo(const char *s1, const char *s2)
  size_t i, n = 7;

  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
    if(tolower(s1[i]) != tolower(s2[i]))
    if(s[i] == '\0' && s2[i] == '\0')
  /* Strings are equal, do the work. */

This assumes that if both strings end before the length of the prefix has been exhausted, it's a match. 这假设如果两个字符串在前缀长度用尽之前结束,那么它就是匹配。

Of course the above assumes ASCII strings where tolower() makes sense. 当然,上面假设了tolower()有意义的ASCII字符串。

I suggest to write the function yourselfs, like this: 我建议自己写这个函数,像这样:

bool strnicmp2(const char *s, const char *t, size_t n) {
    while (n > 0 && *s && *t && tolower(*s) == tolower(*t)) {
    return n == 0 || !*s || !*t;

something like this ought to work.. 像这样的东西应该工作..

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

struct isequal
  bool operator()(int l, int r) const
    return std::tolower(l) == std::tolower(r);

bool istrncmp(const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t n)
  size_t ls1 = std::strlen(s1);
  size_t ls2 = std::strlen(s2);
  // this is strict, but you can change
  if (ls1 < n || ls2 < n)
    return false;

  return std::equal(s1, s1 + n, s2, isequal()); 

int main(void)
  std::cout << istrncmp("fooB", "fooA", 3) << std::endl;
  std::cout << istrncmp("fooB", "fooA", 5) << std::endl;
  std::cout << istrncmp("fooB", "f1oA", 3) << std::endl;
  return 0;

I don't know if this counts as simpler or not, but it has fewer lines and speed should be pretty good. 我不知道这是否更简单,但它有更少的线条,速度应该是相当不错的。

#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

bool equal_insensitive_n( char const *a, char const *b, size_t n ) {
    n = std::min( n, std::min( ::strlen( a ) + 1, ::strlen( b ) + 1 ) );
    #define tilc(S) boost::make_transform_iterator( (S), ::tolower )
    return std::equals( tilc(a), tilc(a) + n, tilc(b) );
    #undef tilc

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