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[英]sort Magento collection AFTER load

The Magento collection sorting functions (eg Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract::addAttributeToSort ) work by adding an ORDER BY clause to the SQL select statement. Magento集合排序函数(例如Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract::addAttributeToSort )通过向SQL select语句添加ORDER BY子句来工作。 However, there are times when a collection has already been loaded and it is necessary to sort the collection. 但是,有时候已经加载了一个集合,并且有必要对集合进行排序。

It is certainly possible to use the toArray($fields) function and then PHP array sorting functions (either native or user-defined), however this is a little clumsy. 当然可以使用toArray($fields)函数,然后使用PHP数组排序函数(本机或用户定义),但这有点笨拙。 It also means that the objects in the collection are converted to "dumb" rows of values without magic getters/setters which can/are be implemented with algorithms, etc. 这也意味着集合中的对象被转换为“哑”值的行,而没有可以/可以用算法等实现的魔法getter / setter。

I'm wondering if there are more elegant/Magento-esque methods of sorting the collection. 我想知道是否有更优雅/ Magento-esque方法对系列进行排序。

Thanks, 谢谢,
Jonathan 乔纳森

There is no proper way of doing it. 没有正确的方法。 But I think it is possible with using of Reflection. 但我认为使用反射是可能的。 You can retrieve $_items property of collection object, sort them and set it back to the collection. 您可以检索集合对象的$ _items属性,对它们进行排序并将其设置回集合。

function sortCollection(Varien_Data_Collection $collection, callable $sorter) {
    $collectionReflection = new ReflectionObject($collection);
    $itemsPropertyReflection = $collectionReflection->getProperty('_items');
    $itemsPropertyReflection->setAccessible(true); // Make it accessible

    $collectionItems = $itemsPropertyReflection->getValue($collection);

    usort($collectionItems, $sorter);

    $itemsPropertyReflection->setValue($collection, $collectionItems);

    $itemsPropertyReflection->setAccessible(false); // Return restriction back

    return $collection;

Here's a tip; 这是一个提示; A collection's clear method unsets it's loaded flag, it allows you to change the sort or filters and run the new query. 集合的clear方法clear它的加载标志,它允许您更改排序或过滤器并运行新查询。

I accidentally discovered it when answering load only configurable products . 我在回答仅加载可配置产品时偶然发现了它。

The method of @Ivan Chepurnyi worked but returns a ReflectionObject object, in my case I needed a Varien_Data_Collection. @Ivan Chepurnyi的方法有效但返回一个ReflectionObject对象,在我的例子中我需要一个Varien_Data_Collection。
Here is what I did instead 这是我做的事情

$collectionItems = $collection->getItems();
usort($collectionItems, array($this, '_sortItems'));
$newCollection = new Varien_Data_Collection();

foreach ($collectionItems as $item) {


And in case here is the sorting method 如果这是排序方法

public function _sortItems($a, $b)
    $columnId = "your_column_that_you_need_to_sort";
    $dir      = "desc";

    $al = strtolower($a->getData($columnId));
    $bl = strtolower($b->getData($columnId));

    if ($al == $bl) {
        return 0;

    if ($dir == 'asc') {
        return ($al < $bl) ? -1 : 1;
    } else {
        return ($al > $bl) ? -1 : 1;

Another solution which works: 另一种解决方案:

class Aligent_Navigation_Block_Dropdown extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List {

public function getProductsByShortDesc(){
    $data = $this->getLoadedProductCollection()->getItems();  //an array of objects
    return $data;

public static function sortByShortDesc($a, $b)
  if($a->getShortDescription() ==  $b->getShortDescription()){ return 0 ; }
  return ($a->getShortDescription() < $b->getShortDescription()) ? -1 : 1;

The above solution will work fine, but it's a LOT slower and more intensive than adding the sort to the query itself. 上面的解决方案可以正常工作,但它比将查询添加到查询本身要慢得多,也更加密集。

If you have a large collection you will use a huge amount of memory as you need to load an object (or objects) fore each result and store them all. 如果你有一个大型集合,你将需要使用大量内存,因为你需要在每个结果前加载一个或多个对象并将它们全部存储起来。

Using the collection Magento will only load one row at a time from the database which will be a lot more efficient than the above solution :-) 使用集合Magento将只从数据库一次加载一行,这将比上述解决方案更有效:-)

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