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[英]Matplotlib setting background color and vectorizing FDTD equation

I'm currently having some trouble with Matplotlib. 我目前在使用Matplotlib时遇到了一些麻烦。 I have an FDTD program that gets 'washed out' as it runs because the background color of the image seems to average. 我有一个FDTD程序在运行时被“褪色”,因为图像的背景颜色似乎是平均的。 I would like to set it all to black (the 0 values of the array). 我想将它全部设置为黑色(数组的0值)。 How would I go about doing this? 我该怎么做呢? I found this on Matplotlib's website , but it doesn't work when I try it (it keeps telling me it didn't expect a byte for colormap). 在Matplotlib的网站上发现了这个 ,但是当我尝试它时它不起作用(它一直告诉我它没想到色彩映射的字节)。

Also: Is there any way to further vectorize the while loop? 另外:有没有办法进一步矢量化while循环? I was thinking something along the lines of creating an array of 'mask' values that would indicate whether or not the values get evaluated. 我正在考虑创建一个“掩码”数组的行,这些值将指示值是否得到评估。 Trying to create another index yells at me for casting to multiple values. 试图创建另一个索引对我大喊大叫,以便转换为多个值。

Code: 码:

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from numpy import *
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def fdtd():
    print 'Starting simulation.'
    # Define constants and parameters
    #mu0 = pi*4E-7 # pH/µm
    #e0 =   8.854187E-12 # Picofarads/micron
    e0 = 8.85418782E-6
    mu0 = 1.256637061
    c = 1/sqrt(mu0*e0)

    # Simulation Parameters
    cellsizeX = 100. #Size of Yee-cell x edge in microns
    cellsizeY = 100. #Size of Yee-cell y edge in microns
    numX = 200 #Number of cells in X direction
    numY = 200 #Number of cells in Y direction
    lengthX = cellsizeX * numX
    lengthY = cellsizeY * numY
    dx = cellsizeX
    dy = cellsizeY
    dt = 1/(c*sqrt(1/dx**2+1/dy**2))
    wavelength = 550E-9 #nm (green)
    freq = c/wavelength
    CEy = dt/(dx*mu0)
    CEx = dt/(dy*mu0)
    CHx = dt/(dy*e0)
    CHy = dt/(dx*e0)
    times = 1
    y = 0

    # Array creation
    print 'Creating arrays'
    E = zeros(shape=((2*numX+1),(2*numY+1)))
    Ep = E.copy()
    H = zeros(shape=(2*numX,2*numY))
    Hp = H.copy()
    Elec = E.copy()

    #Create indexes
    index = arange(0,2*numX, 1)
    xindex = arange(0, 2*numX-1, 2)
    yindex = arange(0, 2*numY-1, 2)
    print 'Entering simulation loop.'
    while times <= 500:
        y = 0
        # Initial Conditions
        if (times < 100):
            E[numX-50:numX+50,numY-50:numY+50] = times

        # Calculate H and E fields
        while y < len(yindex):
            Hp[xindex+1,yindex[y]+1] = H[xindex+1,yindex[y]+1] - CEy*(E[xindex+2,yindex[y]+1] - E[xindex,yindex[y]+1]) + CEx*(E[xindex+1,yindex[y]+2] - E[xindex+1,yindex[y]])
            Ep[xindex,yindex[y]+1] = E[xindex,yindex[y]+1] - CHy*(Hp[xindex+1,yindex[y]+1] - Hp[xindex-1, yindex[y]+1]) 
            Ep[xindex+1,yindex[y]] = E[xindex+1,yindex[y]] + CHx*(Hp[xindex+1, yindex[y]+1] - Hp[xindex+1,yindex[y]-1])

        # Boundary Conditions
        Ep[numX*2, :] = Ep[numX*2-1,:]
        Ep[:,numY*2] = Ep[:,numY*2-1]
        Ep[0,:] = Ep[1,:]
        Ep[:,0] = Ep[:,1]

        #Name switching
        E, Ep, H, Hp = Ep, E, Hp, H

        #Plotting and Saving
        plt.imshow(E[:,:], cmap = 'spectral')
        filename = str('PATH\%03d' % times) + '.png'
        times += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

Also: I've never had to put that coding line at the top until I switched to Eclipse as my IDE. 另外:在我切换到Eclipse作为IDE之前,我从未将该编码行放在顶部。 Why is this now necessary? 为什么现在需要这个?

Use this: 用这个:

plt.imshow(E[:,:], cmap = 'spectral', vmin=0)

to prevent it from using the lowest value in your array as the lowest value in the colormap. 防止它使用数组中的最低值作为colormap中的最低值。 There's also the vmax parameter if you want to keep the same colormap through each step. 如果要在每个步骤中保持相同的色彩映射,还有vmax参数。

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