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[英]How can I retrieve the text from a specific element of this XML?

I am trying to figure out Xmldocument for the first time. 我试图第一次弄清楚Xmldocument。 I cannot figure out how to pull a single element out of an xml file. 我无法弄清楚如何从xml文件中提取单个元素。 I need to find a certain url in the xml document and determine if the user has access to that url and delete the xml related to that article if the user does not. 我需要在xml文档中找到某个URL,并确定用户是否有权访问该URL,如果用户没有访问权限,则删除与该文章相关的xml。

What I need to know if how to pull the inner text from <url></url> in the following xml 我需要知道如何从以下xml中的<url></url>中提取内部文本

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<searchdoc><results hits="3226" time="0.33" query="test" suggest="test1" filter=""        sort="relevance" sortdir="desc" start="1" end="10" currentpage="1" lastpage="323" startdate="0" enddate="0" xsl="Trane.xsl">
<result no="1"><url>c:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-3289705215-1832128825-2807327032-470872\Dc115
\test-files\test.ppt</url><col>3</col><lastmodified>25 Feb 2011 20:14:41    
GMT</lastmodified><indexdate>11 Mar 2011 20:40:17 GMT</indexdate><size>75264</size>
/><contenttype>PPT</contenttype><context>Nutch Parser <highlight>Test</highlight> My 
initial <highlight>test</highlight> file for the PowerPoint parser of nutch Second 
page <highlight>Test</highlight> Of PowerPoint Extraction Some Unicode I do not know  
the content and I can not read it, just gathered from other ppt-files: áéíóú Stephan 
Strittmatter</context><description>Nutch Parser <highlight>Test</highlight> My initial 
<highlight>test</highlight> file for the PowerPoint parser of nutch ...</description>

Sorry about the messy XML I am pulling directly from a the string where it is stored. 对不起,我直接从存储它的字符串中提取了凌乱的XML。 I left off the rest of the xml as it is VERY long. 我保留了其余的xml,因为它很长。 How will I access the information I want? 我将如何获取所需信息?

using LINQ's XDocument: 使用LINQ的XDocument:

from off the top of my head, syntax may be a little off 从我的头顶上看,语法可能会有点偏离

XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(yourString);

string url = (from x in doc.Descendants("url") select x.Value).FirstOrDefault();

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