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[英]Razor syntax to open explorer window

Noob here: 菜鸟在这里:

I'd like to have clickable link in Razor to open an explorer window on client machine when passed the appropriate path. 我想在Razor中具有可点击的链接,以在传递适当的路径时在客户端计算机上打开资源管理器窗口。 I'm new to the syntax (and limitations), but it's all internal, so I can resolve any security issues (if relevant). 我是语法(和限制)的新手,但它是内部语法,因此我可以解决任何安全问题(如果相关)。

Alternatively, advice on a (very) easy to install free control is also welcomed. 另外,也欢迎提供关于(非常)易于安装的免费控件的建议。 :) :)

In IE6, you should be able to write <a href="file://c:\\whatever>...</a> . 在IE6中,您应该可以编写<a href="file://c:\\whatever>...</a>
I don't think that will work on any other browser. 我认为这不适用于任何其他浏览器。

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