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[英]calculate the x, y position of a canvas point

I'm trying to learn some canvas in html5 and javascript and I want to create those typical Illustrator sun rays: 我正在尝试学习html5和javascript中的一些画布,我想创建那些典型的Illustrator太阳光线:


But my problem is that I want to automate it and make it full screen. 但是我的问题是我想使其自动化并使其全屏显示。

To calculate the coordinates of the points in the middle isn't hard, it's the outer points that I cant seem to get a grip on. 计算中间点的坐标并不难,这是我似乎无法掌握的外部点。

K, so this is what I got. K,所以这就是我得到的。 The problem lies in the for-loop for creating an array for the outer coordinates. 问题在于为外部坐标创建数组的for循环。

So it starts calculating from the center of the screen. 因此,它从屏幕中心开始计算。 If it's the first point (we ignore the inner points for now) it takes the x_coordinate variable (which is the horizontal center of the screen) and adds the width_between_rays divided by two (because I want to mimic the picture above with some space between the two upper rays). 如果它是第一个点(我们现在忽略内部点),它将使用x_coordinate变量(这是屏幕的水平中心),并添加被两个除以的width_between_rays(因为我想模仿上面的图片,并且两条高光)。

The rest of the points are checked if they are divided by two to see if I should add the width_between_rays (should probably be offset or something) or the width_of_rays to the last points cordinates. 检查其余的点是否将它们除以二,以查看是否应将width_between_rays(可能应该是偏移量或某些东西)或width_of_rays添加到最后的点坐标。

Well this seems pretty straight forward but since the window size isn't a fixed size I need some way of calculating where the point should be if, for example; 好吧,这似乎很简单,但是由于窗口大小不是固定大小,因此我需要某种方法来计算例如,如果点应该在哪里? the position of a point is outside the width/height of the screen. 点的位置在屏幕的宽度/高度之外。 So my way of calculating this doesn't work (I think). 因此,我的计算方式无效(我认为)。

Anyways, can someone (who's obviously smarter than me) point me in the right direction? 无论如何,有人(显然比我聪明)可以将我指向正确的方向吗?

function sun_rays(z_index, element, color, number_of_rays, width_of_rays, width_between_rays) {
        // Start the canvas stuff
        var canvas = document.getElementById(element);
        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.canvas.width  = $(window).width();
        ctx.canvas.height = $(window).width();
        ctx.fillStyle = color;

        // calculate the window size and center position
        var window_width = $(window).width();
        var window_hight = $(window).height();
        var x_coordinate = window_width / 2;
        var y_coordinate = window_hight / 2;

        // create an array for the center coordinates
        var center_coordinate_array = new Array();
        for(i=0; i < number_of_rays; i++){
            center_coordinate_array[i] = new Array(x_coordinate, y_coordinate);

        // create an array for the outer coordinates
        var outer_coordinate_array = new Array();
        for(i=1; i == number_of_rays*2; i++){

            if(i == 1) {
                // X
                var last_outer_x_coordinate = x_coordinate + (width_between_rays/2);
                // Y
                if(last_outer_x_coordinate < window_width) {
                    last_outer_y_coordinate = last_outer_y_coordinate;
                } else {
                    $x_coordinate_difference = last_outer_x_coordinate - window_width;
                    last_outer_y_coordinate = x_coordinate_difference;

                center_coordinate_array[i] = new Array(last_outer_x_coordinate, last_outer_y_coordinate);
            } else {
                if(i % 2 == 0) {
                    // X
                    last_outer_x_coordinate = last_outer_x_coordinate + width_of_rays;
                    // Y
                    //calculate the y position

                    center_coordinate_array[i] = new Array(last_outer_x_coordinate);
                } else {
                    // X
                    last_outer_x_coordinate = last_outer_x_coordinate + width_between_rays;
                    // Y
                    //calculate the y position

                    center_coordinate_array[i] = new Array(last_outer_x_coordinate);


It seems like you should use the trig functions to do something like this. 似乎您应该使用trig函数执行类似的操作。

var coordinate_array = [];
var xCoord = 0;
var yCoord = 0;
var angleIncrement = 15;
var i = 0;

//iterate over angles (in degrees) from 0 to 360
for (var theta = 0; theta < 360; theta += angleIncrement) {
    //angle is in sector from bottom right to top right corner
    if (theta >= 315 || theta <= 45) 
        xCoord = $(window).width();//point on right side of canvas
        yCoord = abs($(window).width()/2 * tan(theta));
        yCoord = tranformY(theta,yCoord);
    //angle is in sector from top right to top left corner
    else if (theta > 45 && theta <= 135) 
        yCoord = 0; //top is zero 
        xCoord = abs($(window).height()/2 * tan(theta));
        xCoord = transformX(theta, xCoord);
    //angle is in sector from top left to bottom left corner
    else if (theta > 135 && theta <= 225) 
        xCoord = 0; //left edge on a canvas is zero
        yCoord = abs($(window).width()/2 * tan(theta);
        yCoord = transformY(theta, yCoord);
    //angle is in sector from bottom left to bottom right corner
    else // theta > 225 && theta < 315
        yCoord = $(window).height();
        xCoord = abs($(window).height()/2 * tan(theta));
        xCoord = transformX(theta, xCoord);
    coordinate_array[i++] = new Array(xCoord, yCoord);        

//Transform from cartesian coordinates to top left is 0,0
function tranformY(theta, y)
  var centerYCoord = $(window).height()/2;
  //if angle falls in top half (Quadrant 1 or 2)
  if(theta > 0 && theta < 180)
    return centerYCoord - y;
  elseif(theta > 180 && theta < 360)
    return centerYCoord + y;
  //coord falls on 0/360 or 180 (vert. median)
  return centerYCoord;

//Transform from cartesian coordinates to top left is 0,0
function transformX(theta, x)
  var centerXCoord = $(window).width()/2;
  //if angle falls in right half (Quadrant 1 or 4)
  if(theta > 270 || theta < 90)
    return centerXCoord + x;
  elseif(theta > 90 && theta < 270)      
    return centerXCoord - x;
  //coordinate falls on 270 or 90 (center)
  return centerXCoord;

 //now draw your rays from the center coordinates to the points in coordinate_array
 //NOTE: This code will need to be cleaned up - I just wrote it in the textbox.


The previous code puts the coordinates for the red points into an array. 先前的代码将红点的坐标放入数组中。

This problem is by its very nature related to the incremental change of an angle. 从本质上讲,这个问题与角度的增量变化有关。 Your solution is going to need to deal with the angles using trig functions. 您的解决方案将需要使用Trig函数处理角度。

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