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[英]Can I determine if an argument is string literal?

Is it possible to determine if an argument passed in macro or function is a string literal at compile time or run time?是否可以在编译时或运行时确定宏或 function 中传递的参数是字符串文字?

For example,例如,

#define is_string_literal(X)

is_string_literal("hello") == true;
const char * p = "hello";
is_string_literal(p) == false;


bool is_string_literal(const char * s);

is_string_literal("hello") == true;
const char * p = "hello";
is_string_literal(p) == false;


YES!是的! (Thanks to James McNellis and GMan for corrections. Updated to correctly handle concatenated literals like "Hello, " "World!" which get stringized before concatenation.) (感谢James McNellisGMan的更正。更新以正确处理连接的文字,如"Hello, " "World!" ,在连接之前被字符串化。)

#define is_literal_(x) is_literal_f(#x, sizeof(#x) - 1)
#define is_literal(x) is_literal_(x)

bool is_literal_f(const char *s, size_t l)
    const char *e = s + l;
    if(s[0] == 'L') s++;
    if(s[0] != '"') return false;
    for(; s != e; s = strchr(s + 1, '"'))
        if(s == NULL) return false;
        while(isspace(*s)) s++;
        if(*s != '"') return false;
    return true;

This will stringify the argument before passing it to the function, so if the argument was a string literal, the argument passed to our function will be surrounded with quote characters.这将在将参数传递给函数之前对其进行字符串化,因此如果参数是字符串文字,则传递给我们函数的参数将被引号字符包围。

If you consider this a string literal:如果您认为这是一个字符串文字:

const char *p = "string";
// should is_literal(p) be true or false?

I cannot help you.我不能帮你。 You might be able to use some implementation-defined (or *shudder* undefined) behavior to test whether or not a string is stored in read-only memory, but on some (probably older) systems p could be modified.您也许可以使用一些实现定义的(或 *shudder* undefined)行为来测试字符串是否存储在只读内存中,但在某些(可能较旧的)系统上p可以被修改。

For those who question the use of such a function, consider:对于那些质疑使用此类功能的人,请考虑:

enum string_type { LITERAL, ARRAY, POINTER };

void string_func(/*const? */char *c, enum string_type t);

Rather than explicitly specifying the second argument to string_function on every call, is_literal allows us to wrap it with a macro: string_function允许我们用宏包装它,而不是在每次调用时显式指定is_literal的第二个参数:

#define string_func(s) \
    (string_func)(s, is_literal(s)  ? LITERAL :
        (void *)s == (void *)&s ? ARRAY : POINTER)

I can't imagine why it would make a difference, except in plain C where literals aren't const and for some reason you don't want to/can't write the function as taking a const char * instead of a char .我无法想象它为什么会有所作为,除非在纯 C 中文字不是const并且由于某种原因您不想/不能将函数编写为采用const char *而不是char But there are all kinds of reasons to want to do something.但是有各种各样的理由想要做某事。 Someday you, too may feel the need to resort to a horrible hack.有一天,你也可能觉得有必要诉诸可怕的黑客攻击。

Knowing at compile time (as mentioned in question), with following technique.使用以下技术在编译时了解(如问题所述)。 You can determine if the a given argument is string literal or not.您可以确定给定参数是否为字符串文字。 If it's some array or pointer like const char x[], *p ;如果它是一些数组或指针,如const char x[], *p ; then it will throw compiler error.那么它会抛出编译器错误。

#define is_string_literal(X) _is_string_literal("" X)
bool _is_string_literal (const char *str) { return true; } // practically not needed

[Note: My previous answer was down voted by experts and it's yet not accepted or up voted after edits. [注意:我之前的回答被专家否决,在编辑后尚未被接受或投赞成票。 I am putting an another answer with same content.]我正在提出另一个具有相同内容的答案。]

No. A string literal is just an array of char (in C) or const char (in C++).不,字符串文字只是一个char (在 C 中)或const char (在 C++ 中)的数组。

You can't distinguish between a string literal and some other array of char like this one (in C++):您无法区分字符串文字和其他一些像这样的char数组(在 C++ 中):

const char x[] = "Hello, World!";

Clang's and gcc's __builtin_constant_p(expr) returns 1 if expr is a string literal, else it returns 0. Tested with clang 3.5+ and gcc 4.6+.如果 expr 是字符串文字,则 Clang 和 gcc 的__builtin_constant_p(expr)返回 1,否则返回 0。使用 clang 3.5+ 和 gcc 4.6+ 进行测试。

Since clang pre-defines GCC , you can simply由于 clang 预先定义了GCC ,您可以简单地

#ifdef __GCC__
  ... use __builtin_constant_p(expr)
  ... use fallback

See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.htmlhttps://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html

Yes;是的; in C++20:在 C++20 中:

#include <type_traits>
#define IS_SL(x) ([&]<class T = char>() { \
    return std::is_same_v<decltype(x), T const (&)[sizeof(x)]> and \
    requires { std::type_identity_t<T[sizeof(x)]>{x}; }; }())

That is, a string literal is something with type reference to const array of char that can be used to initialize an array of char of the same size.也就是说,字符串文字是对 const char 数组的类型引用,可用于初始化相同大小的 char 数组。

Test cases:测试用例:

#include <source_location>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    static_assert(IS_SL("hello" "world"));
    static_assert(not IS_SL(0));
    static_assert(not IS_SL(argc));
    static_assert(not IS_SL(argv[0]));
    char const s[] = "hello";
    static_assert(not IS_SL(s));
    constexpr char const cs[] = "hello";
    static_assert(not IS_SL(cs));
    constexpr char const* sp = "hello";
    static_assert(not IS_SL(sp));
    static_assert(not IS_SL(std::source_location::current().file_name()));

Demo: https://godbolt.org/z/xhd8xqY13演示: https://godbolt.org/z/xhd8xqY13

Try this one:试试这个:

#define is_string_literal(s) \
  (memcmp(#s, "\"", 1) == 0)

According to C/C++ variable naming convention, variable name must be start with '_' or an alphabet.根据 C/C++ 变量命名约定,变量名必须以“_”或字母开头。

Maybe not what the op wants but I use也许不是操作想要的,但我使用

#define literal(a) "" s
#define strcpy(a, b ) _strcpy(a, literal(b))

This makes for这使得

char buf[32];
char buf2[32];
const char *p = "hello,";

strcpy(buf, "hello"); // legal
strcpy,(buf, p);  // illegal
strcpy(buf, buf2); // illegal

Here is a simple portable approach for both C and C++, completely evaluated at compile time, that tests for simple string literals, ie: single string literals without backslashes:这是一种适用于 C 和 C++ 的简单可移植方法,在编译时完全评估,用于测试简单的字符串文字,即:没有反斜杠的单字符串文字:

#define STR(s)  #s
#define is_string_literal(s)  (sizeof(STR(#s)) == sizeof(#s) + 4 \
                               && #s[0] == '"' && #s[sizeof(#s)-2] == '"')

It simply tests that the string conversion starts and ends with a " and that applying the string conversion twice only increases the length of the string by 4, only escaping the initial and trailing " .它只是测试字符串转换是否以"开头和结尾,并且两次应用字符串转换只会将字符串的长度增加 4,仅转义初始和尾随"

Here is a test program:这是一个测试程序:

#include <stdio.h>

#define STR(s)  #s
#define is_simple_string(s)  (sizeof(STR(#s)) == sizeof(#s) + 4 \
                              && #s[0] == '"' && #s[sizeof(#s)-2] == '"')

int main() {
#define TEST(s)  printf("%16s -> %d\n", #s, is_simple_string(s))
    char buf[4] = "abc";
    const char cbuf[4] = "def";
    char *p = buf;
    const char *cp = cbuf;

#define S "abc"
    TEST("abc" "");
    TEST(buf + 1);
    TEST(cbuf + 1);
    TEST(p + 1);
    TEST(cp + 1);

    return *cp - *p - 3;

It only outputs 1 for TEST(S) , TEST("") and TEST("abc") .它只为TEST(S)TEST("")TEST("abc")输出1

I had a similar question: I wanted to say that我有一个类似的问题:我想说

MY_MACRO("compile-time string")

was legal, and that是合法的,而且

char buffer[200]="a string";

was legal, but not to allow是合法的,但不允许


I used GCC's __builtin_types_compatible_p and MSVC's _countof, which seem to work correctly at the expense of rejecting short string literals.我使用了 GCC 的 __builtin_types_compatible_p 和 MSVC 的 _countof,它们似乎以拒绝短字符串文字为代价正常工作。

Because a string literal in c++ can have different prefixes then there is no point to check for beginning quote: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/string_literal因为 C++ 中的字符串文字可以有不同的前缀,所以没有必要检查开头的引号: https ://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/string_literal

Better to check for the ending quote:最好检查结束报价:

  • C++11 C++11
  • msvc2015u3,gcc5.4,clang3.8.0 msvc2015u3,gcc5.4,clang3.8.0

     #include <type_traits> #define UTILITY_CONST_EXPR_VALUE(exp) ::utility::const_expr_value<decltype(exp), exp>::value // hint: operator* applies to character literals, but not to double-quoted literals #define UTILITY_LITERAL_CHAR_(c_str, char_type) UTILITY_CONST_EXPR_VALUE(((void)(c_str * 0), ::utility::literal_char_caster<typename ::utility::remove_cvref<char_type>::type>::cast_from(c_str, L ## c_str, u ## c_str, U ## c_str))) #define UTILITY_LITERAL_CHAR(c_str, char_type) UTILITY_LITERAL_CHAR_(c_str, char_type) #define UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING(c_str) UTILITY_CONST_EXPR_VALUE((sizeof(#c_str) > 1) ? #c_str [sizeof(#c_str) - 2] == UTILITY_LITERAL_CHAR('\"', decltype(c_str[0])) : false) #define UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_A(c_str) UTILITY_CONST_EXPR_VALUE((sizeof(#c_str) > 1) ? #c_str [sizeof(#c_str) - 2] == '\"' : false) #define UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_WITH_PREFIX(c_str, prefix) UTILITY_CONST_EXPR_VALUE((sizeof(#c_str) > 1) ? #c_str [sizeof(#c_str) - 2] == prefix ## '\"' : false) namespace utility { template <typename T, T v> struct const_expr_value { static constexpr const T value = v; }; // remove_reference + remove_cv template <typename T> struct remove_cvref { using type = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type; }; //// literal_char_caster, literal_string_caster // template class to replace partial function specialization and avoid overload over different return types template <typename CharT> struct literal_char_caster; template <> struct literal_char_caster<char> { static inline constexpr char cast_from( char ach, wchar_t wch, char16_t char16ch, char32_t char32ch) { return ach; } }; template <> struct literal_char_caster<wchar_t> { static inline constexpr wchar_t cast_from( char ach, wchar_t wch, char16_t char16ch, char32_t char32ch) { return wch; } }; template <> struct literal_char_caster<char16_t> { static inline constexpr char16_t cast_from( char ach, wchar_t wch, char16_t char16ch, char32_t char32ch) { return char16ch; } }; template <> struct literal_char_caster<char32_t> { static inline constexpr char32_t cast_from( char ach, wchar_t wch, char16_t char16ch, char32_t char32ch) { return char32ch; } }; } const char * a = "123"; const char b[] = "345"; int main() { static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_A(a) == 0, "Aa"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING(a) == 0, "a"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_A(b) == 0, "Ab"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING(b) == 0, "b"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_A("123") == 1, "A123"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_WITH_PREFIX(L"123", L) == 1, "L123"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_WITH_PREFIX(u"123", u) == 1, "u123"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING_WITH_PREFIX(U"123", U) == 1, "U123"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING("123") == 1, "123"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING(L"123") == 1, "L123"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING(u"123") == 1, "u123"); static_assert(UTILITY_IS_LITERAL_STRING(U"123") == 1, "U123"); }

https://godbolt.org/z/UXIRY6 https://godbolt.org/z/UXIRY6

The UTILITY_CONST_EXPR_VALUE macro is required to force a compiler to generate a compile time only code.需要UTILITY_CONST_EXPR_VALUE宏来强制编译器生成仅编译时的代码。

This response may be a bit late, but hopefully it will be helpful to other people asking, my solution was the following:这个回复可能有点晚了,但希望对其他人有所帮助,我的解决方案如下:

#define _s(x) #x
#define IS_LITERAL(expr) (_s(expr)[0] == '"')

The advantage of this solution is that this code can be evaluated at compile time, which will allow for useful optimizations elsewhere.此解决方案的优点是可以在编译时评估此代码,这将允许在其他地方进行有用的优化。 Also this macro can be compiled with any compiler, no compiler-specific features are used here.此宏也可以使用任何编译器编译,此处不使用编译器特定的功能。

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