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[英]for loop (remember where last to look) & Character.isDigit()

I have to do a project about the periodic table of elements. 我必须做一个关于元素周期表的项目。 My dilemma is as follow. 我的困境如下。 The user send you a molecular equation. 用户向您发送一个分子方程式。 It can be of any length. 它可以是任何长度。 In this array there is Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters and numbers. 在此数组中,有大写字母,小写字母和数字。

I also have an array of objects. 我也有一系列对象。 Each object represents a element on the periodic table. 每个对象代表元素周期表上的一个元素。 Now I need to break this string the user send me up in smaller pieces - in pieces that is recognized by the array of objects. 现在,我需要打破此字符串,用户将其细分为一些较小的部分,这些部分可以被对象数组识别。 I also have to multiply the answer by either one or by the number right next to the last letter of the element. 我还必须将答案乘以一个或乘以元素最后一个字母旁边的数字。

I already tried the following. 我已经尝试了以下方法。 Make the string a char array. 将字符串设为char数组。 Run through the array from backwards - test for number ( Character.isDigit(a[i]); ), test for uppercase and lowercase... I always end up with the same problem. 从后向遍历数组-测试数字( Character.isDigit(a[i]); ),测试大写和小写...我总是Character.isDigit(a[i]);相同的问题。 I have no idea how long the string will be. 我不知道字符串会持续多久。 Lets say I find a number. 可以说我找到一个数字。 Then if the previous char is an lowercase letter I need to do another check backwards for the uppercase letter. 然后,如果前一个字符是小写字母,我需要向后检查另一个大写字母。 Then let's say I have the molecular equation and the amount I need to multiply it by - how do I let the computer know to start looking from the last uppercase letter. 然后说我有分子方程式和乘以它的数量-如何让计算机知道从最后一个大写字母开始查找。

I hope someone understand this! 希望有人能理解!

Really in need of some help. 确实需要一些帮助。

Another question: why come doesn't this code work: 另一个问题:为什么这段代码行不通:

String moleq = "HeKiLH2B6";

char[] a = moleq.toCharArray();
int g = moleq.length()-1;
int x = 1; //if not more than one of element - multiply getWeight by 1

int[][] indexofdigit = new int[moleq.length()][2];
int[] indexoflower = new int[moleq.length()];

for (int i = g; i <= 0; i--){

    if (Character.isDigit(a[i])) {
    String z = Character.toString(a[i]);
    x = Integer.parseInt(z);


This code never print me a Yes? 此代码永远不会打印出我的意思?

Your loop never executes as you are looking for i <= 0 condition. 寻找i <= 0条件时,循环永远不会执行。 And it is not true at first, as g>0, if you change as i >= 0 it will work 起初是不正确的,因为g> 0,如果将其更改为i> = 0,它将起作用

For chemical formulas, maybe it would be interesting a regular expression (regexp). 对于化学式,正则表达式(regexp)可能会很有趣。 Something like ([AZ][az]?[0-9] )+. 像([AZ] [az]?[0-9] )+之类的东西。 If I am not wrong( ) , this isolates an element and its cardinality (for example Fe2O3 --> group 1 (Fe2) + group 2 (O3)). 如果我没记错( ),则会隔离一个元素及其基数(例如Fe2O3->第1组(Fe2)+第2组(O3))。 Look at Pattern and Matcher for this. 查看模式和匹配器。

  • If I am wrong, I am sure there is a regexp for formulas somewhere in Google. 如果我错了,我敢肯定Google某处有一个正则表达式。 It usually is not language dependent (if it works for Perl it works for Java). 它通常不依赖于语言(如果它适用于Perl,则适用于Java)。

Note that with Java 5+ you can make that loop easier, using the for each loop: 请注意,在Java 5+中,可以使用for每个循环来简化该循环:

for (char c : a){
  if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
    String z = Character.toString(c);
    x = Integer.parseInt(z);

To expand SJuan's suggestion: 扩展SJuan的建议:

String input = "HeKiLH2B6";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([A-Z][a-z]*)(\\d*)");    
Matcher m = p.matcher( input );

  String element = m.group( 1 );
  String cardinalityStr = m.group( 2 );
  int cardinality= 1;
  if( cardinalityStr != null && cardinalityStr .length() > 0)
    cardinality= Integer.parseInt( cardinalityStr );

  System.out.println( element + cardinality);

Yields: 产量:


Edit: this would also work if the user entered something like He-Ki-L-H2-B6 or He Ki L H2 B6 . 编辑:如果用户输入了He-Ki-L-H2-B6He Ki L H2 B6类的内容,这也将起作用。

The answer of SJuan76 in code (with the reluctant group qualifier added): 代码中SJuan76的答案(添加了勉强的组限定符):

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // the compiled pattern can be re-used, are thread-safe 
        // and thus can be static final
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([A-Z][a-z]?[0-9]*)+?");

        // Per molecule (well, string) a matcher must be obtained.
        Matcher m = p.matcher("HeKiLH2B6");
        while(m.find()) {

This prints: 打印:


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