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在Struts 2中使用Iterator时出错

[英]Error while using Iterator in struts 2

I am having an iterator and I am trying to dynamically name the ids 我有一个迭代器,并且试图动态命名ID

 <s:iterator value="roleScreenDetailsList" status ="itemIndex">
    <tr class="normRow" id="row_<s:property value="#itemIndex.count"/>"          style="display:none;">
        <td colspan="8" class="bdr0">
            <s:textfield name="roleDescription" cssClass="txtboxDIS" id="Desc_<s:property value="#itemIndex.count"/>" size="30" disabled="true" />


In the above code , the table row , with class ="normRow" has proper ids generated , but in case of the text field , I am getting the following error 在上面的代码中,具有类=“ normRow”的表行已生成正确的ID,但是在文本字段的情况下,出现以下错误

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/screens/role.jsp(150,102) Unterminated &lt;s:textfield tag

Am I missing something ? 我想念什么吗?

<s:iterator value="roleScreenDetailsList" status ="itemIndex">
      <tr id="row_${itemIndex.count}">
         <td><s:textfield name="roleDescription" id="Desc_%{#itemIndex.count}" /></td>
  • Always use expression ${} instead of < s:property /> (except for Type Conversion ), see the Performance Tuning of Struts2. 始终使用表达式$ {}代替< s:property />( 类型转换除外),请参见Struts2的性能调优
  • Always use OGNL for attributes of Struts2 tag. 始终对Struts2标签的属性使用OGNL

Just try something like 只是尝试像

 <s:iterator value="roleScreenDetailsList" status ="itemIndex">
    <tr class="normRow" id="row_<s:property value="#itemIndex.count"/>"          style="display:none;">
        <td colspan="8" class="bdr0">
            <s:textfield name="roleDescription" cssClass="txtboxDIS" id='Desc_<s:property value="#itemIndex.count"/>' size="30" disabled="true" />


Custom jsp tags are not evaluated inside attributes of other jsp tags. 自定义jsp标记不在其他jsp标记的属性内进行评估。 A scriptlet however should work in this case: 但是,在这种情况下,脚本应该可以工作:

<s:textfield name="roleDescription" cssClass="txtboxDIS"
    id='Desc_<%= ((org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.IteratorStatus)pageContext.findAttribute("itemIndex")).getCount() %>'
    size="30" disabled="true" />

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