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更改 Android 键盘语言

[英]Change Android KeyBoard language

How to change Android Keyboard language?如何更改 Android 键盘语言?

I have set below code to set language.我已经设置了以下代码来设置语言。 I set different language from Settings and trying to set English language.我从设置中设置了不同的语言并尝试设置英语。

Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
config.locale = Locale.ENGLISH;
getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(config, null);

Changing locale only changes the resources (eg, strings, images, etc) to those defined for a specific locale in an app.更改locale只会将resources (例如字符串、图像等)更改为为应用程序中的特定locale定义的resources To change the language supported by the keyboard , you have to make sure a proper input method is installed on the device (because the input method itself is also an app, it will change to a corresponding language).要更改keyboard支持的语言,您必须确保设备上安装了正确的input method (因为输入法本身也是一个应用程序,它会更改为相应的语言)。

For example, there is only English keyboard on Nexus S , if I need a keyboard that supports other language, I need to find a input method that supports that language, and install it.例如, Nexus S上只有英文键盘,如果我需要一个支持其他语言的键盘,我需要找到一个支持该语言的input method ,并安装它。

To make sure the user have one, you can make some alert to take the users' attention, or bring them to the keyboard settings activity by ACTION_XXX_SETTINGS intent.为了确保用户有一个,您可以发出一些警报以引起用户的注意,或者通过ACTION_XXX_SETTINGS意图将他们带到键盘设置活动。

(API 24+): If you are using a TextView / EditText , then you can call TextView#setImeHintLocales(LocaleList) (API 24+):如果您使用的是TextView / EditText ,那么您可以调用TextView#setImeHintLocales(LocaleList)

textView.setImeHintLocales(new LocaleList(new Locale("zh", "CN")));

Note: This works on very few keyboards (at the time of writing, GBoard works and SwiftKey doesn't).注意:这适用于很少的键盘(在撰写本文时,GBoard 有效而 SwiftKey 无效)。

Note: If you want new "hint" to take effect immediately you need to call InputMethodManager#restartInput(View) .注意:如果您希望新的“提示”立即生效,您需要调用InputMethodManager#restartInput(View)

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