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[英]Debugging XSLT in Chrome

I'm having trouble with an XSL translation in Chrome. 我在Chrome中使用XSL翻译时遇到问题。 I was wondering if there any tools that would allow me to step through the style sheet to see where the problem is. 我想知道是否有任何工具可以让我通过样式表来查看问题所在。

  • Use node tests to check the results of XPath queries. 使用节点测试检查XPath查询的结果。
  • Use the document function to test file paths 使用文档功能测试文件路径
  • Use the JavaScript console to run XPath queries on the XML data source 使用JavaScript控制台在XML数据源上运行XPath查询
  • Use inline templates instead of xsl:include to eliminate path issues 使用内联模板而不是xsl:include来消除路径问题
  • Use comments to eliminate xsl:include statements referencing buggy templates 使用注释来消除引用错误模板的xsl:include语句
  • Use processing-instructions to comment blocks of code that have XML comments 使用处理指令来注释具有XML注释的代码块
  • Use an embedded stylesheet to workaround same-origin policy restrictions 使用嵌入式样式表来解决同源策略限制
  • Use input tags to print xsl:variable values. 使用input标记打印xsl:variable值。
  • Use attribute value templates to print unknown values 使用属性值模板打印未知值
  • Use simplified stylesheets and parameterized XPath to modularize templates 使用简化的样式表参数化的XPath来模块化模板
  • Use Opera as a cross-reference, since it shows line numbers in its XSLT error messages. 使用Opera作为交叉引用,因为它在其XSLT错误消息中显示行号。

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