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[英]how to sort a vector of pairs?

I am trying to sort a vector of pair<int, T> (where T is the templated value type of the class) and codeblocks is giving me massive amounts of errors i dont understand why. 我正在尝试pair<int, T> (其中T是类的模板化值类型)的向量进行排序pair<int, T>而代码块给了我大量的错误,我不明白为什么。 is there there some special syntax required to sort vector<pair<int, T> > ? 是否有一些特殊的语法需要对vector<pair<int, T> >进行排序? i did make the comparison function, which did not use T at all 我做了比较功能,根本没有使用T

here's the code 这是代码

  bool sortlevel(pair<int, T> a, pair<int, T> b){
    return a.first < b.first;

  void get_level(Node<T> * root, vector <pair<int, T> > & order, int level = 0){
    // changes the tree to a vector
    if (root){
        order.push_back(pair(level, root -> value));
        get_level(root -> left, order, level + 1);
        get_level(root -> right, order, level + 1);

  void level_order(ostream & ostr ) {
    vector<pair<int, T> > order;
    get_level(root_, order);
    sort(order.begin(), order.end(), sortlevel);
    int max_level = order[order.size() - 1] -> first;
    int x = 0;
    int current_level = order[x] -> first;
    while (x < order.size()){
        for(int y = 0; y < current_level - x; y++)
            cout << "\t";
        while (order[x] -> first == current_level){
            cout << order[x] -> second << " ";

The posted code didn't compile but when I was trying to make it compile I noticed you probably want: 发布的代码未编译,但是当我尝试对其进行编译时,我注意到您可能想要:

order.push_back(std::make_pair(level, root -> value));

Also: 也:

int max_level = order[order.size() - 1]. first;

This fixed version of yours compiles for me: 您的这个固定版本为我编译

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class T

template <class T> class Node
T value;
Node<T>* left;
Node<T>* right;

Node<T>* root_;

bool sortlevel(pair<int, T> a, pair<int, T> b){
    return a.first < b.first;

  void get_level(Node<T> * root, vector <pair<int, T> > & order, int level = 0){
    // changes the tree to a vector
    if (root){
        order.push_back(std::make_pair(level, root -> value));
        get_level(root -> left, order, level + 1);
        get_level(root -> right, order, level + 1);

  void level_order(ostream & ostr ) {
    vector<pair<int, T> > order;
    get_level(root_, order);
    sort(order.begin(), order.end(), sortlevel);
    int max_level = order[order.size() - 1]. first;
    int x = 0;
    int current_level = order[x].first;
    while (x < order.size()){
        for(int y = 0; y < current_level - x; y++)
            cout << "\t";
        while (order[x]. first == current_level){
//            cout << order[x]. second << " ";

This part came before the full code was posted but may still be useful to someone trying to figure out sort so I'll keep it in : Generally for sorting you may need to provide a way of comparing the pairs, eg see here: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/ 这部分是在完整代码发布之前进行的,但是对于试图弄清排序的人可能仍然有用,因此我将其保留在其中 :通常,对于排序,您可能需要提供一种比较对的方法,例如,请参见: http: //www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/

If you use the sort algorithm it will work automagically for anything that has the less than operator defined but not for other types. 如果使用排序算法,它将自动适用于定义了小于运算符但不适用于其他类型的任何内容。

std::pair should provide a default less than operator so perhaps there is another issue - can we see the code? std :: pair应该提供小于操作符的默认值,因此也许还有另一个问题-我们可以看到代码吗? As Tomalak notes, that is probably because you have no way of comparing T's. 正如Tomalak指出的那样,这可能是因为您无法比较T。

Provide your own comparison function (or functor) as the last argument to sort . 提供您自己的比较函数(或函子)作为sort的最后一个参数。 Your comparison should take the first of the pair and compare it. 您的比较应该采用一对中的第一个进行比较。

for instance: 例如:

template<typename T>
bool myfunction (const pair<int, T>& i, const pair<int, T>& j)
   return (i.first < j.first); 

sort (myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), myfunction<ActualType>);

If you start with: 如果您从以下内容开始:

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

struct T {
   T(int x) : x(x) {};

   int x;

int main() {
   std::vector<std::pair<int, T> > v;

   std::pair<int, T> a = std::make_pair(0, T(42));
   std::pair<int, T> b = std::make_pair(1, T(36));


   std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());

Add a comparator for T , that std::pair<int, T> 's default-generated comparator will invoke: T添加一个比较器, std::pair<int, T>的默认生成的比较器将调用:

struct T {
   T(int x) : x(x) {};
   bool operator<(const T& other) const {
      return x < other.x;

   int x;

It looks like these are member functions of a class template. 看起来这些是类模板的成员函数。 If that is the case, then sortlevel will need to be static (or a non-member) in order to be used as the comparator in std::sort() . 如果是这种情况,则sortlevel必须是静态的(或非成员的)才能用作std::sort()的比较器。

Also, you've written eg order[x]->first in a few places, when it should be order[x].first . 同样,您在一些地方编写了例如order[x]->first ,而应该是order[x].first

Whenever you're using T you need to make sure it is in a class or a function with a template<typename T> before it. 每当使用T都需要确保它在类或带有template<typename T>的函数中。

in your code: 在您的代码中:

  • you need template<typename T> before the definition of sortlevel , get_level and level_order sortlevelget_levellevel_order的定义之前,需要template<typename T>
  • when calling sort you need to classify sortlevel<T> . 调用sort您需要对sortlevel<T>进行分类。
  • when calling these function, call them with the actual type. 调用这些函数时,请以实际类型调用它们。

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