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[英]SVNKit alternative

Does anyone know of a good Java Subversion library? 有谁知道一个好的Java Subversion库? I'd use SVNKit but it's only open source if the code you're working on is open source. 我使用SVNKit,但如果您正在处理的代码是开源代码,那么它只是开源代码。

SvnClientAdapter is a high level Java subversion library that is Apache licensed and can use multiple low-level implementations depending on your needs. SvnClientAdapter是一个高级Java subversion库,获得了Apache许可,可以根据您的需要使用多个低级实现。 It is the library that Subclipse uses. 它是Subclipse使用的库。

The question does not state "reuse" or "link to" or any other aspect which suggests that the person wants to embed SVNKit in their software. 该问题没有说明“重用”或“链接到”或任何其他表明该人想要将SVNKit嵌入其软件中的方面。 Taken literally "I'd use SVNKit" as a tool then the question is misinformed. 字面意思是“我使用SVNKit”作为工具然后问题被误解了。 Reading the license for SVNKit it says that it is free to use without restriction: 阅读SVNKit的许可证,它表示可以不受限制地免费使用:

http://svnkit.com/licensing/index.html http://svnkit.com/licensing/index.html

Specifically it says that if you can only redistribute svnkit as a part of your software if your software is itself opensource. 具体来说,如果您的软件本身就是开源软件,那么如果您只能将svnkit重新分发为软件一部分 That is like all the GNU developer tools and compilers which come with the GPL license; 这就像所有带有GPL许可证的GNU开发人员工具和编译器一样; those have been for decades to build closed source software at major corporates which take the license very seriously. 数十年来,我们一直致力于在主要企业建立封闭源软件,这些企业非常重视许可。 So long a s you are not embedding the code of the tool in your own product there is no problem with just using the tool for the purposes of making closed source software. 很长一段时间你没有将工具的代码嵌入到你自己的产品中 ,只需使用该工具来制作闭源软件就没有问题。

This is a common misconception about SVNKit which I was confused about hence my answer. 这是一个关于SVNKit的常见误解,我很困惑,因此我的回答。

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