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[英]memcpy - int variable to BYTE

I am trying to create a data packet, using memcpy . 我正在尝试使用memcpy创建一个数据包。 I expect to see the output in pOutBuffer , whose first four bytes will have 999, followed by 111 followed by 12; 我希望看到pOutBuffer的输出,其前四个字节为999,然后为111,然后为12; But currently i am getting some garbage. 但是目前,我得到一些垃圾。

The problem is that instead of copying the value, it copies the address, I think. 问题是,我认为它不是复制值,而是复制地址。 How can i copy these values in to a contiguous memory so that i can write it to disk and can retrieve the data at the receiving end with my defined format? 如何将这些值复制到连续的内存中,以便可以将其写入磁盘并可以使用定义的格式在接收端检索数据?

Thanks. 谢谢。

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
typedef struct
    int Begin;
    int End;
    int Size;

void AddBuffer(PACKET* pPacket, BYTE* pOutBuffer)
    memcpy(pOutBuffer, &pPacket->Begin, sizeof(int));
    memcpy(pOutBuffer+sizeof(int), &pPacket->End, sizeof(int));
    memcpy(pOutBuffer+sizeof(int)+sizeof(int), &pPacket->Size, sizeof(int));

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    PACKET* pPacket = new PACKET;
    pPacket->Begin = 999;
    pPacket->End   = 111;
    pPacket->Size  = 12;

    BYTE* pOutBuffer = new BYTE [pPacket->Size];
    AddBuffer(pPacket, pOutBuffer);

    //Write pOutBuffer on to the disk 

    //Delete pOutBuffer
    return 0;

Source sample has been updated. 源样本已更新。 It now builds ok 现在可以了

Your code works correctly. 您的代码正常工作。 On a little-endian machine with sizeof(int)==4, the number 999 will be stored as the four bytes 0xe7, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00. 在sizeof(int)== 4的小端计算机上,数字999将存储为四个字节0​​xe7、0x03、0x00、0x00。

You said you saw the character 'ç': That is because you are trying to view the array as a string, and ç has the character code 0xe7, which is indeed the first byte written. 您说您看到了字符'ç':这是因为您试图将数组视为字符串,并且ç具有字符代码0xe7,这实际上是写入的第一个字节。 If you view it as an array (either using Visual Studio's memory view, or by typing pOutBuffer,12 in the watch window), you will see the correct byte values. 如果将其视为数组(使用Visual Studio的内存视图或在监视窗口中键入pOutBuffer,12 ),则将看到正确的字节值。

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