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使用来自本地主机的 curl

[英]using curl from localhost

I'm just trying to fetch the yahoo web page.我只是想获取雅虎 web 页面。 www.yahoo.com www.yahoo.com

If I run my simple script from my hosted site, it works.如果我从我的托管站点运行我的简单脚本,它就可以工作。

If I try it from my localhost.如果我从本地主机尝试。 All I get is a header response with: "w32.fp.re1.yahoo.com uncompressed/chunked Wed Apr 27 15:13:48 PDT 2011"我得到的只是 header 响应:“w32.fp.re1.yahoo.com 未压缩/分块 Wed Apr 27 15:13:48 PDT 2011”

Here is my code:这是我的代码:


function curl_download($Url){

    // is cURL installed yet?
    if (!function_exists('curl_init')){
        die('Sorry cURL is not installed!');

    // OK cool - then let's create a new cURL resource handle
    $ch = curl_init();

    // Now set some options (most are optional)

    // Set URL to download
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);

    // Set a referer
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "http://www.example.org/yay.htm");

    // User agent
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "MozillaXYZ/1.0");

    // Include header in result? (0 = yes, 1 = no)
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

    // Should cURL return or print out the data? (true = return, false = print)
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

    // Timeout in seconds
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);

    // Download the given URL, and return output
    $output = curl_exec($ch);

    // Close the cURL resource, and free system resources

    return $output;

print curl_download('http://www.yahoo.com/');

Actually, the result starts with实际上,结果开始于

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

which means there's a Location header in there.这意味着那里有一个Location header。 And there is:还有:

Location: http://nl.yahoo.com/?p=us

This is just the response body:这只是响应正文:

<!-- w20.fp.ird.yahoo.com uncompressed/chunked Wed Apr 27 17:08:09 PDT 2011 -->

You need to tell cURL to follow Location headers.您需要告诉 cURL 遵循 Location 标头。 That's it.而已。

The name of the option is CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION .选项的名称是CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION Set it to true:将其设置为真:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

After following 1 Location header, this is the start of the response body when I run your code + FOLLOWLOCATION:在关注1位置 header 之后,这是我运行您的代码 + FOLLOWLOCATION 时响应正文的开始:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="nl-NL" class="y-fp-bg y-fp-pg-grad  bkt732">

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