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jQuery 点击事件不起作用 IE7 和 IE8

[英]jQuery click event not working IE7 and IE8

The following code in IE7 or IE8 doesn't work. IE7 或 IE8 中的以下代码不起作用。 Is this a bug?这是一个错误吗? It works fine in IE6 (Incredible!)它在 IE6 中运行良好(难以置信!)

http://jsfiddle.net/zgSmT/ http://jsfiddle.net/zgSmT/

Try using the live event, or binding the event after document load:尝试使用live事件,或在document加载后绑定事件:

$('#clickme').live('click', function(){

Also, you're still loading scripts.js , which doesn't exist, in your fiddle example - that might also cause a problem.此外,在小提琴示例中,您仍在加载不存在的scripts.js ——这也可能导致问题。

You might try你可以试试

$().ready(function ()
    $('#clickme').live('click', function(){

To ensure everything is loaded.以确保所有内容都已加载。

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