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Unobtrusive JS:在表单中使用复选框切换元素可见性

[英]Unobtrusive JS: toggle element visibility with checkbox in a form

I am learning how to write unobtrusive Javascript, and I've been able to work most things out, but I'm having trouble with toggling an element's visibility on and off using a checkbox.我正在学习如何编写不显眼的 Javascript,并且我已经能够解决大多数问题,但是我在使用复选框打开和关闭元素的可见性时遇到了麻烦。 Keep in mind that I am a designer first, programmer, oh 18th or so.请记住,我首先是设计师,程序员,哦 18 岁左右。 In other words, I am a novice when it comes to programming.换句话说,在编程方面我是个新手。 (Note: This form is for an endodontics firm referral form, hence the industry terms). (注:此表格适用于牙髓公司推荐表格,因此是行业术语)。

Also, please do not suggest JQuery;另外,请不要推荐 JQuery; I know it exists, and I use it often.我知道它存在,而且我经常使用它。 I want to learn how to actually do this in pure Javascript.我想学习如何在纯 Javascript 中实际执行此操作。 Here are the important HTML snippets (this is created in asp.NET):以下是重要的 HTML 片段(这是在 asp.NET 中创建的):

        <legend>Which of these procedures is required? (select at least one)<span class="required"> *</span></legend>
        <label id="procedure01"><asp:CheckBox ID="chkEndodonticProcedure01" GroupName="EndodonticProcedure" runat="server" />Consultation for evaluation of tooth</label>
        <label id="procedure02"><asp:CheckBox ID="chkEndodonticProcedure02" GroupName="EndodonticProcedure" runat="server" />Re-treatment of tooth</label>
        <label id="procedure03"><asp:CheckBox ID="chkEndodonticProcedure03" GroupName="EndodonticProcedure" runat="server" />Treatment of tooth</label>
    <ol id="consultation">
            <asp:Label ID="lblConsultationToothNumber" AssociatedControlID="txtConsultationToothNumber" runat="server">Consultation tooth number</asp:Label>
            <asp:TextBox id="txtConsultationToothNumber" CssClass="textbox" runat="server" />
                <legend>Do any of these conditions apply?</legend>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkToothCondition01" GroupName="ToothCondition" runat="server" />Vague toothache</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkToothCondition02" GroupName="ToothCondition" runat="server" />Pain, swelling</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkToothCondition03" GroupName="ToothCondition" runat="server" />Sensitivity to heat</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkToothCondition04" GroupName="ToothCondition" runat="server" />Sensitivity to cold</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkToothCondition05" GroupName="ToothCondition" runat="server" />Sensitivity to percussion</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkToothCondition06" GroupName="ToothCondition" runat="server" />Possible combined perio-endo lesion</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkToothCondition07" GroupName="ToothCondition" runat="server" />Suspected cracked tooth/root</label>
    <ol id="retreatment">
            <asp:Label ID="lblRetreatmentToothNumber" AssociatedControlID="txtRetreatmentToothNumber" runat="server">Re-treatment tooth number</asp:Label>
            <asp:TextBox id="txtRetreatmentToothNumber" CssClass="textbox" runat="server" />
            <asp:Label ID="lblPreviousRCTDate" AssociatedControlID="txtPreviousRCTDate" runat="server">Date of previous RCT</asp:Label>
            <asp:TextBox id="txtPreviousRCTDate" CssClass="textbox datepicker" runat="server" />
    <ol id="treatment">
            <asp:Label ID="lblTreatmentToothNumber" AssociatedControlID="txtTreatmentToothNumber" runat="server">Treatment tooth number</asp:Label>
            <asp:TextBox id="txtTreatmentToothNumber" CssClass="textbox" runat="server" />
                <legend>What is the reason for treatment? (check any that apply)</legend>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkTreatmentReason01" GroupName="TreatmentReason" runat="server" />Necessary for proper restoration</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkTreatmentReason02" GroupName="TreatmentReason" runat="server" />Pulp exposed and vital</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkTreatmentReason03" GroupName="TreatmentReason" runat="server" />Pulp exposed and non-vital</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkTreatmentReason04" GroupName="TreatmentReason" runat="server" />Tooth was opened and medicated</label>
                <label><asp:CheckBox ID="chkTreatmentReason05" GroupName="TreatmentReason" runat="server" />X-ray revealed radiolucency/pulpal involvement</label>
                <legend>Is an X-ray included for revealed radiolucency/pulpal involvement?</legend>
                <label><asp:RadioButton ID="rdoXrayIncluded01" GroupName="XrayIncluded" runat="server" />Yes</label>
                <label><asp:RadioButton ID="rdoXrayIncluded02" GroupName="XrayIncluded" runat="server" />No</label>

Using unobtrusive Javascript, I grab the form ID ("referralform"), create two arrays to contain the related element IDs, hide the elements I want turned off with a CSS class, and then apply the onclick event to apply the CSS class that reveals the elements: Using unobtrusive Javascript, I grab the form ID ("referralform"), create two arrays to contain the related element IDs, hide the elements I want turned off with a CSS class, and then apply the onclick event to apply the CSS class that reveals要素:

function prepareAccordion()
if (document.getElementById && document.getElementsByTagName)
    if (document.getElementById("referralform"))
        var accordionids = new Array();
        accordionids[0] = document.getElementById("minorparent");
        accordionids[1] = document.getElementById("consultation");
        accordionids[2] = document.getElementById("retreatment");
        accordionids[3] = document.getElementById("treatment");

        var revealids = new Array();
        revealids[0] = document.getElementById("minorYes");
        revealids[1] = document.getElementById("minorNo");
        revealids[2] = document.getElementById("procedure01");
        revealids[3] = document.getElementById("procedure02");
        revealids[4] = document.getElementById("procedure03");

        for (var i = 0; i < accordionids.length; i++)
            accordionids[i].className = "accordion-collapsed";

        revealids[0].onclick = function revealAccordion()
            accordionids[0].className = "accordion-revealed";

        revealids[1].onclick = function revealAccordion()
            accordionids[0].className = "accordion-collapsed";

        x = 0;
        revealids[2].onclick = function revealAccordion()
            if (x == 0)
                accordionids[1].className = "accordion-revealed";
                accordionids[1].className = "accordion-collapsed";

        y = 0;
        revealids[3].onclick = function revealAccordion()
            if (y == 0)
                accordionids[2].className = "accordion-revealed";
                y = 1;
                accordionids[2].className = "accordion-collapsed";
                y = 0;

        z = 0;
        revealids[4].onclick = function revealAccordion()
            if (z == 0)
                accordionids[3].className = "accordion-revealed";
                z = 1;
                accordionids[3].className = "accordion-collapsed";
                z = 0;

function addLoadEvent(func)
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function')
    window.onload = func;
    window.onload = function ()
        if (oldonload)


There is likely a much better way to create "on/off" toggle settings for checkboxes than using "1" and "0" and flipping between them, but again, I'm not a programmer.与使用“1”和“0”并在它们之间翻转相比,为复选框创建“开/关”切换设置可能有更好的方法,但同样,我不是程序员。 The issue is that when applying the flip between "1" and "0", the onclick event only works when directly clicking within the checkbox, and not on the label.问题是当应用“1”和“0”之间的翻转时,onclick 事件仅在直接单击复选框时有效,而在 label 上无效。 The onclick works fine when applied to a radio button's label, so it must be the flip between "1" and "0" that is throwing something off.当应用于单选按钮的 label 时,onclick 工作正常,所以它必须是“1”和“0”之间的翻转,这一定是抛出了一些东西。

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.对此的任何帮助将不胜感激。

What I would do — and, in fact what I do for my employer's site — is to mark page elements with a class, "toggleOnSwitch" (I tend to use irritating long names like that).我会做的——事实上,我为雇主的网站做的——是用 class 标记页面元素,“toggleOnSwitch”(我倾向于使用像这样令人讨厌的长名称)。 The element will then also have a couple of "data-" attributes: "data-switch", containing the "id" value for the checkbox or radio button or <option> element that controls the toggling;然后该元素还将具有几个“data-”属性:“data-switch”,包含复选框或单选按钮或控制切换的<option>元素的“id”值; "data-toggle-class", containing the class to toggle on and off (like, "hidden" or "inactive" or whatever); “data-toggle-class”,包含 class 以打开和关闭(例如,“隐藏”或“非活动”或其他); and maybe one or two others I'm forgetting.也许还有一两个我忘记了。

The unobtrusive JavaScript looks for that class, and then for each toggled element it sets up event handlers on the switch element (the checkbox, in your case).不显眼的 JavaScript 会查找该 class,然后为每个切换的元素在开关元素上设置事件处理程序(复选框,在您的情况下)。 The event handlers do the work of adding/removing the class from the toggled element.事件处理程序执行从切换元素添加/删除 class 的工作。

It's a little more complicated than that if you want to toggle on radio buttons, because when one radio button switches on , all its friends switch off , so the handler has to know to trigger the toggle handlers on all the other radio buttons with the same name, in case they also control page element visibility (or whatever the added/removed class does).如果你想在单选按钮上切换,这比这要复杂一些,因为当一个单选按钮打开时,它的所有朋友都会关闭,所以处理程序必须知道触发所有其他单选按钮上的切换处理程序。名称,以防它们还控制页面元素的可见性(或添加/删除的 class 所做的任何事情)。 I also coded mine so that if the "data-switch" value starts with a ",", like ".toggleCheckbox".我还编写了我的代码,以便如果“data-switch”值以“,”开头,例如“.toggleCheckbox”。 then that means to reverse the sense of the toggle.那么这意味着反转切换的感觉。 That's handy when a particular checkbox switches one thing off at the same time it switches another thing on.当一个特定的复选框在关闭一件事的同时打开另一件事时,这很方便。

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