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谷歌关键词工具 API

[英]Google Keyword Tools API

Is there anyway for developer to test Google keyword Tools API for free?开发人员是否可以免费测试 Google 关键字工具 API?

You can test it against the sandbox without charge but you don't get the real results that you would from the live system.您可以免费在沙盒上对其进行测试,但您无法从实时系统中获得真正的结果。

Testing against the live API uses API units.针对实时 API 进行测试使用 API 单元。 However, I usually find I only need to pull down a few keywords for testing and even with many testing cycles it doesn't really cost very much.但是,我通常发现我只需要提取几个关键字进行测试,即使有很多测试周期,它也不会花费太多。

One thing you can do to reduce costs is to get the tool working with the sandbox to make sure there aren't any errors etc. Then, once it's working, just run a few tests in production to check the data looks correct.为了降低成本,您可以做的一件事是让该工具与沙箱一起工作,以确保没有任何错误等。然后,一旦它开始工作,只需在生产环境中运行一些测试以检查数据是否正确。

Having an Adword's account is free.拥有 Adword 帐户是免费的。 You only pay if you have an active ad running.仅当您投放有效的广告时,您才需要付费。 The keywords tool is here关键字工具在这里

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