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如何在 RichEdit 控件中查找粗体文本的运行?

[英]How to find runs of bold text inside of a RichEdit control?

I can obviously do it one character at a time using EM_GETCHARFORMAT, but it is extremely slow.很明显,我可以使用 EM_GETCHARFORMAT 一次完成一个字符,但它非常慢。

One idea is to somehow use the ITextDocument/ITextFont interfaces, the other is to use the EM_STREAMOUT message and manually parse the RTF.一种想法是以某种方式使用 ITextDocument/ITextFont 接口,另一种是使用 EM_STREAMOUT 消息并手动解析 RTF。 But I can't decide which approach is better and am very fuzzy on the implementation details.但我无法决定哪种方法更好,并且对实现细节非常模糊。 Will appreciate any help, thanks!将不胜感激任何帮助,谢谢!

I've found a solution that satisfies me and think will share it with you:我找到了一个让我满意并认为会与您分享的解决方案:

The ITextRange interface contains a very useful method Expand which can be used to find continuous runs of constant character ( tomCharFormat ) and paragraph ( tomParaFormat ) formatting. ITextRange接口包含一个非常有用的方法Expand可用于查找连续运行的常量字符 ( tomCharFormat ) 和段落 ( tomParaFormat ) 格式。

Here is some sample code (warning: code is a proof-of-concept spaghetti without any error handling, apply refactoring as needed):这是一些示例代码(警告:代码是概念验证意大利面条,没有任何错误处理,根据需要应用重构):

    // Get necessary interfaces
    IRichEditOle* ole;
    SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, 0, (LPARAM)&ole);

    ITextDocument* doc;
    ole->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ITextDocument), (void**)&doc);

    long start = 0;

    // Get total length:        
    ITextRange* range;
    doc->Range(start, start, &range);
    range->Expand(tomStory, NULL);
    long eof;

    // Extract formatting:

    struct TextCharFormat { long start, length; DWORD effects; }
    std::vector<TextCharFormat> fs;

    while(start < eof - 1)
        doc->Range(start, start, &range);

        long n;
        range->Expand(tomCharFormat, &n); // <-- Magic happens here

        ITextFont* font;

        DWORD effects = 0;
        long flag;

        if (flag == tomTrue) effects |= CFE_BOLD;

        if (flag == tomTrue) effects |= CFE_ITALIC;

        if (flag == tomSingle) effects |= CFE_UNDERLINE;

        if (flag == tomTrue) effects |= CFE_STRIKEOUT;

        if (effects)
            TextCharFormat f = { start, n, effects };
        start += n;

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