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我必须将自定义 realm jar 文件添加到 tomcat 7 的 lib 文件夹中。 我将如何在共享托管服务器上执行此操作

[英]I have to add custom realm jar file to tomcat 7's lib folder. How will i do this on a shared hosting server

I have created custom realm jar file and have to add it to the tomcat server's lib folder for my custom realm to work.我已经创建了自定义 realm jar 文件,并且必须将其添加到 tomcat 服务器的 lib 文件夹中,以便我的自定义 ZB94B7EF7F17D23BZD4 工作。 This works fine when i deploy my application on my local tomcat server.当我在我的本地 tomcat 服务器上部署我的应用程序时,这工作正常。 My question is how to add this jar to the server's lib folder on a shared hosting server, if i buy shared jsp hosting account.我的问题是如何将此 jar 添加到共享托管服务器上的服务器 lib 文件夹中,如果我购买共享 jsp 托管帐户。 Is there any provision for doing so, and if not, what is the alternate to this.是否有这样做的规定,如果没有,有什么替代方法。

I don't expect any shared hosting provider will allow you to add an arbitrary JAR file to their shared lib folder.我不希望任何共享主机提供商允许您将任意 JAR 文件添加到他们的共享库文件夹中。 You may need to contact the hosting provider and ask/plead/beg them to do so, and in any case they may want (I should hope they do.) to look at the source to make sure you aren't doing anything unsound/unsafe/evil.您可能需要联系托管服务提供商并要求/恳求/请求他们这样做,并且无论如何他们可能希望(我希望他们这样做。)查看源代码以确保您没有做任何不合理的事情/不安全/邪恶。


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