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寻找 wpf, .net 控制,如催化剂控制中心使用的控制

[英]Looking for wpf, .net control like the one used in Catalyst Control Center

Maybe someone knows where can i find this control or similar one.也许有人知道我在哪里可以找到这个控件或类似的控件。 It looks and works really great它看起来和工作真的很棒Radeon 催化剂屏幕截图

Control you're looking for is called accordion .您正在寻找的控件称为手风琴 It's a part of the WPF Toolkit, and a guide how to use one can be found on this blog entry.它是 WPF 工具包的一部分,可以在博客条目中找到如何使用它的指南。

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