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如何使用 C# 中的 Windows 媒体编码器录制高质量视频

[英]How to record high quality videos with Windows Media Encoder in C#

I recently created a software for recording screen activity with the help of a windows media encoder tutorial.. However I am having serious problems with quality.我最近在 windows 媒体编码器教程的帮助下创建了一个用于记录屏幕活动的软件。但是我遇到了严重的质量问题。 It seems the quality of the video is really bad.看来视频的质量真的很差。 Does anyone know how I can get around this, I'm guessing it has to be with setting the format of the output, but I don't really know how to do this.有谁知道我该如何解决这个问题,我猜它必须与设置 output 的格式有关,但我真的不知道该怎么做。 Thanks谢谢

Note that Windows Media Encoder is no longer offered for download by Microsoft, so you may want to consider moving to another technology.请注意,Microsoft 不再提供 Windows 媒体编码器供下载,因此您可能需要考虑转向其他技术。 Without seeing any of your code at all, I can't really comment on anything you are doing.根本看不到您的任何代码,我无法真正评论您正在做的任何事情。 However, I have used WME in the past and can offer a bit of advice.但是,我过去使用过 WME,可以提供一些建议。 Choose one of the high quality profiles, or consider making your own.选择一种高质量的配置文件,或考虑制作自己的配置文件。 I used to use a CBR profile of up to 5000 Kbps to achieve high quality encodes.我曾经使用高达 5000 Kbps 的 CBR 配置文件来实现高质量的编码。 Note that the higher the quality, the more disk space used.请注意,质量越高,使用的磁盘空间就越多。 It will fill quickly if encoding a lot of video.如果编码大量视频,它将很快填充。

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