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从 windows 命令行运行 Java

[英]Running Java from the windows command line

I recently asked a bout a java program I could not find the start point to and was told to look in the bat file which started it but I do not understand what it says.我最近问了一个关于 java 程序的问题,我找不到起点,并被告知要查看启动它的 bat 文件,但我不明白它在说什么。

This program runs on a tomcat server and must be running before the.jsp pages will run so they are not the starting point.该程序在 tomcat 服务器上运行,并且必须在 .jsp 页面运行之前运行,因此它们不是起点。

Can anyone explain what this means and where the program starts so I can do a step through.任何人都可以解释这意味着什么以及程序从哪里开始,以便我可以逐步完成。

D:\foo_development\server>java -Xmx256M -Djava.library.path=lib -Djava.rmi.serv
er.hostname= -Djava.rmi.server.codebase="file:/D:\foo_development\
sole_stubs.jar" -Djava.security.policy=conf/java.policy -jar foo_server.jar 109
8 2001

This is exactly how it appears in the cmd window after I click run.bat这正是我单击 run.bat 后它在 cmd window 中的显示方式

Let's analyze the command line:我们来分析一下命令行:

  • java : the executable java :可执行文件
  • -Xmx256M : how much memory to use -Xmx256M : 使用多少 memory
  • -Djava.library.path=lib where to find native libraries (for JNI) -Djava.library.path=lib在哪里可以找到本地库(用于 JNI)
  • -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -Djava.rmi.server.codebase="file:/D:\foo_development\ server\foo_server.jar _client_stubs/server_keycon sole_stubs.jar" RMI related stuff -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -Djava.rmi.server.codebase="file:/D:\foo_development\ server\foo_server.jar _client_stubs/server_keycon sole_stubs.jar" RMI 相关的东西
  • -Djava.security.policy=conf/java.policy which security policy to use -Djava.security.policy=conf/java.policy使用哪个安全策略
  • -jar foo_server.jar the JAR file to execute! -jar foo_server.jar JAR 文件执行! This is the juicy bit!是多汁的一点!
  • 109 8 2001 arguments passed to your main() method 109 8 2001 arguments 传递给您的main()方法

So foo_server.jar is the.jar file that gets executed.所以foo_server.jar是被执行的.jar 文件。 Check its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF for a line that starts with Main-Class: and that should tell you which class gets executed.检查它的META-INF/MANIFEST.MF是否有以Main-Class:开头的行,这应该会告诉您执行了哪个 class。

D:\foo_development\server>java -Xmx256M -Djava.library.path=lib -Djava.rmi.serv
er.hostname= -Djava.rmi.server.codebase="file:/D:\foo_development\
sole_stubs.jar" -Djava.security.policy=conf/java.policy -jar foo_server.jar 109
8 2001

This command runs foo_server.jar file with arguments 109,8,201.此命令运行带有 arguments 109,8,201 的 foo_server.jar 文件。 And all other before -jar are vm arguments to tell jvm about the different memory size like heapmemory size and aslo library path.和之前的所有其他 -jar 是 vm arguments 告诉 jvm 关于不同的 memory 大小,如堆内存大小和 aslo 库路径。

For your main class you will find its entry in MANIFIST file as Main-class:-- foo.bar.MainClass对于您的主要 class 您将在 MANIFIST 文件中找到它的条目作为Main-class:-- foo.bar.MainClass

In short you have简而言之,你有

java -jar foo_server.jar 

The rest is just configuration and arguments. rest 只是配置和 arguments。

In the foo_server.jar there will be a MANIFEST.MF file which contains a line like在 foo_server.jar 中会有一个 MANIFEST.MF 文件,其中包含如下行

Main-Class: com.mycompany.foo.FooMain

This is the class where main(String[]) is called when it is loaded.这是 class 在加载时调用main(String[])的地方。

Looking at the command:查看命令:

  • java is the executable to run ( java.exe , found on the path) java是要运行的可执行文件( java.exe ,在路径上找到)
  • -Xmx256M specifies a maximum heap size of 256 megabytes -Xmx256M指定最大堆大小为 256 MB
  • -D (multiple times) defines various Java system properties -D (多次)定义各种Java系统属性
  • -jar means "load the given jar file, and start with the class specified by the Main-Class attribute in its manifest -jar表示“加载给定的 jar 文件,并从其清单中Main-Class属性指定的 class 开始
  • foo_server.jar is the jar file to load foo_server.jar是要加载的 jar 文件
  • 1098 2001 are the command line arguments to main (so args will be an array with elements "1098" and "2001" 1098 2001是命令行 arguments 到main (所以args将是一个包含元素“1098”和“2001”的数组

The key part is the options -jar foo_server.jar .关键部分是选项-jar foo_server.jar This tells the JRE to open that named JAR, to read the Main-Class property from its metadata (in the archive's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ) and execute that (starting from its static main method, as normal).这告诉 JRE 打开名为 JAR 的文件,从其元数据中读取Main-Class属性(在存档的META-INF/MANIFEST.MF中)并执行该属性(从其 static main方法开始,正常)。

The main class of an jar can be specified in the manifest of this jar. jar 的主要 class 可以在此 jar 的清单中指定。 (@see http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/appman.html ) @见 http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/appman.html

In your case it is the foo_server.jar .在您的情况下,它是foo_server.jar This jar (a jar it is just a zip) must have a folder META-INF where the manifest is located.这个 jar(一个 jar 它只是一个 zip)必须有一个META-INF文件夹,清单所在的位置。

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