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Azure - 对 blob 容器进行列表操作的排序顺序

[英]Azure - Sort order of List operation on blob container

What is the sort order of a list operation on a blob container? blob 容器上的列表操作的排序顺序是什么? Is it like Azure Table Storage, where it is alphabetic?是不是像 Azure Table Storage 一样,哪里是字母?

From the last line of "List Blobs" in MSDN - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd135734.aspx从 MSDN 中“List Blobs”的最后一行 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd135734.aspx

Blobs are listed in alphabetical order in the response body. Blob 在响应正文中按字母顺序列出。

As an aside, in one of the PDC deep dive talks, the storage team talked about the fact that blobs are keyed on a combination of the container name and blob path, so this is what determines the list order - and it also determines "hot spots" if you are hitting blob storage for lots of similarly named files.顺便说一句,在一次 PDC 深入讨论中,存储团队谈到了 Blob 是由容器名称和 Blob 路径组合而成的,因此这决定了列表顺序 - 它还决定了“热点”,如果您正在为许多类似名称的文件访问 blob 存储。

Given that blobs supports an equivalent of the continuation tokens used by table storage ( Marker/NextMarker ) the order that blobs are returned in would have to be fixed.鉴于 blob 支持与表存储 ( Marker/NextMarker ) 使用的连续标记的等价物,因此必须修复 blob 返回的顺序。 While it's not explicitly mentioned in the specs that we have access to, I suspect blobs will always be returned in alphabetic order.虽然我们可以访问的规范中没有明确提到它,但我怀疑 blob 将始终按字母顺序返回。 I'd be happy if someone from MS could verify this though.如果来自 MS 的人可以验证这一点,我会很高兴。

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