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移动 web 应用框架的差异

[英]Differences in mobile web application frameworks

I am going through different web application frameworks for mobile devices.我正在为移动设备浏览不同的 web 应用程序框架。

I have found frameworks like PhoneGap/Appcelarator/Rhomobile (I am calling these as group1) And SenchaTouch/JQTouch/JqueryMobile(I am calling these as group2)我找到了诸如 PhoneGap/Appcelerator/Rhomobile 之类的框架(我将它们称为 group1)和 SenchaTouch/JQTouch/JqueryMobile(我将它们称为 group2)

I would like to know at high level how group1 frameworks different from group2 frameworks.我想从高层次上了解 group1 框架与 group2 框架有何不同。 Please share your thoughts.请分享你的想法。

HI.你好。 Well group 1 as you stated正如你所说的那样,第 1 组

are sort of shelled environment.是一种带壳的环境。 These are containers of html/javascript code that allows that html-centric app to be used natively on the target mobile device.这些是 html/javascript 代码的容器,允许以 html 为中心的应用程序在目标移动设备上本地使用。

However, group2 are framework that usually create html pages that you can use as mobile site.. Jquery mobile on its own can be used to create a simple mobile website and you don't need to install it on the mobile device..但是,group2 是通常创建 html 页面的框架,您可以将其用作移动站点。Jquery 移动设备本身可用于创建简单的移动网站,您无需将其安装在移动设备上。

but use phonegap with jquery mobile and you will be able to get your html-centric app to run natively thanks to phonegap.但是将 phonegap 与 jquery 移动设备一起使用,您将能够让以 html 为中心的应用程序在本地运行,这要归功于 phonegap。

Give it try.试试看。

as far as I know, we can not compare group 2 and group 1. If u want to create pure mobile web, u can do it by using group 2 only, without using group 1. But, if u want to convert mobile web to be native apps, u must use group 1 + group 2.据我所知,我们无法比较第 2 组和第 1 组。如果您想创建纯手机 web,您可以只使用第 2 组,而不使用第 1 组。但是,如果您想将手机 web 转换为是本机应用程序,你必须使用组 1 + 组 2。

this question has been asked quite a bit in this very forum.这个问题在这个论坛上被问了很多。 I would suggest just querying SO and you will find many references to blog postings and documentation to help you find what is the best tool for your specific requirements.我建议只查询 SO,您会发现许多博客帖子和文档的参考资料,以帮助您找到满足您特定要求的最佳工具。

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