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[英]Warning on specialisations when compiling Haskell Code with ghc

I get the following error when trying to compile 尝试编译时出现以下错误

$ ghc --make -O2 -Wall -fforce-recomp $ ghc --make -O2 -Wall -fforce-recomp

[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( isPrimeSmart.hs, isPrimeSmart.o ) SpecConstr Function `$wa{v s2we} [lid]' has two call patterns, but the limit is 1 Use -fspec-constr-count=n to set the bound Use -dppr-debug to see specialisations Linking isPrimeSmart ... [1/1]编译Main(isPrimeSmart.hs,isPrimeSmart.o)SpecConstr函数`$ wa {v s2we} [lid]'有两种调用模式,但限制为1使用-fspec-constr-count = n来设置绑定使用-dppr-debug查看专业化链接isPrimeSmart ...

My code is: 我的代码是:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -optc-O2 #-}

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as StrL -- StrL is STRing Library
import Data.List

-- read in a file. First line tells how many cases. Each case is on a separate 
-- line with the lower an upper bounds separated by a space. Print all primes
-- between the lower and upper bound. Separate results for each case with
-- a blank line.
main :: IO ()
main = do
   let factors = takeWhile (<= (ceiling $ sqrt (1000000000::Double))) allPrimes
   (l:ls) <- StrL.lines `fmap` StrL.getContents
   let numCases = readInt l
   let cases = (take numCases ls)
   sequence_ $ intersperse (putStrLn "") $ map (doLine factors) cases

-- get and print all primes between the integers specified on a line.
doLine :: [Integer] -> StrL.ByteString -> IO ()
doLine factors l = mapM_ print $ primesForLine factors l

---------------------- pure code below this line ------------------------------

-- get all primes between the integers specified on a line.
primesForLine :: [Integer] -> StrL.ByteString -> [Integer]
primesForLine factors l = getPrimes factors range  
    range = rangeForLine l

-- Generate a list of numbers to check, store it in list, and then check them...
getPrimes :: [Integer] -> (Integer, Integer) -> [Integer]
getPrimes factors range  = filter (isPrime factors) (getCandidates range)

-- generate list of candidate values based on upper and lower bound
getCandidates :: (Integer, Integer) -> [Integer]
getCandidates (propStart, propEnd) = list
    list = if propStart < 3
           then 2 : oddList
           else oddList
    oddList = [listStart, listStart + 2 .. propEnd]
    listStart = if cleanStart `rem` 2 == 0
                then cleanStart + 1
                else cleanStart
    cleanStart = if propStart < 3
                 then 3
                 else propStart

-- A line always has the lower and upper bound separated by a space. 
rangeForLine :: StrL.ByteString -> (Integer, Integer)
rangeForLine caseLine = start `seq` end `seq` (start, end)
    [start, end] = (map readInteger $ StrL.words caseLine)::[Integer]

-- read an Integer from a ByteString
readInteger :: StrL.ByteString -> Integer
readInteger x =
  case StrL.readInteger x of Just (i,_) -> i
                             Nothing    -> error "Unparsable Integer"

-- read an Int from a ByteString
readInt :: StrL.ByteString -> Int
readInt x =
  case StrL.readInt x of Just (i,_) -> i
                         Nothing    -> error "Unparsable Int"

-- generates all primes in a lazy way.
allPrimes :: [Integer]
allPrimes = ps (2:[3,5 .. ])
    ps (np:candidates) =  -- np stands for New Prime
        np : ps (filter (\n -> n `rem` np /= 0) candidates)
    ps [] = error "this can't happen but is shuts up the compiler"

-- Check to see if it is a prime by comparing against the factors.
isPrime :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Bool
isPrime factors val = all (\f -> val `rem` f /= 0) validFactors
    validFactors = takeWhile (< ceil) factors
    ceil = ((ceiling $ sqrt $ ((fromInteger val)::Double))) :: Integer

I have no idea how to fix this warning. 我不知道如何修复此警告。 How do I start? 我该如何开始? Do I compile to assembly and match the error up? 我编译成汇编并匹配错误吗? What does the warning even mean? 警告甚至意味着什么?

These are just (annoying) warnings, indicating that GHC could do further specializations to your code if you really want to. 这些只是(恼人的)警告,表明如果你真的想要GHC可以对你的代码做进一步的专业化。 Future versions of GHC will likely not emit this data by default, since there's nothing you can do about it anyway. 未来版本的GHC可能默认不会发出这些数据,因为无论如何你无能为力。

They are harmless, and are not errors. 它们是无害的,并非错误。 Don't worry about them. 别担心他们。

To directly address the problem, you can use -w (suppress warnings) instead of -Wall . 要直接解决问题,可以使用-w (抑制警告)而不是-Wall

Eg in a file {-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-} will disable warnings. 例如,在文件中{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}将禁用警告。

Alternately, increasing the specialization threshold will make the warning go away, eg -fspec-constr-count=16 或者,增加特化阈值将使警告消失,例如-fspec-constr-count=16

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