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[英]DataTemplate to Linq

I have a ListBox of Dockpanels which display "FieldName:, [ _ ____] (user input textbox) ". 我有一个Dockpanels的列表框,其中显示“ FieldName:,[ _ ____] (用户输入文本框) ”。 After the user populates the field, I'm looking for a LINQ way to take the pairs and throw them into a KeyValuePair object. 用户填充字段后,我正在寻找一种LINQ方式来将对放入并将其放入KeyValuePair对象。

     <DataTemplate x:Key="ExtraLoginInfoTemplate">
                        <TextBlock Name="CodeID" Text="{Binding Path=ID,Converter={BLL:CodeMarkupExtension}}" />
                        <TextBox Name="Input"/> 

    <ListBox Name="extraLoginInfoListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding}"  ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ExtraLoginInfoTemplate}"/>


extraLoginInfoListBox.DataContext = cvList; //list of codevalue objects

private void submitButton_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  KeyValuePair<string,string> myInputs = /* ? some linq query to get the data from extraLoginInfoListBox */ 


You need a property to be bound with your Input textbox to store whatever value was entered by user: 您需要一个属性与“ 输入”文本框绑定,以存储用户输入的任何值:

<TextBox Name="Input" Text="{Binding Path=IDValue, Mode=TwoWay}" /> 

And then, you can use following code: 然后,您可以使用以下代码:

var keyValuePairs = cvList.ToDictionary((obj) => obj.ID, (obj) => obj.IDValue);

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