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[英]Trying to call two functions on the same input field but only calls one

I have two working functions which I want to assign to two inputs: 我有两个工作功能,想分配给两个输入:

<input type="text" id="start0" value="0" name="start[]" onkeyup="displayTotal();"/>
<input type="text" id="end0" value="0" name="end[]"  onkeyup="displayTotal();"/>

I would like to be able to use a displayHoras(); 我希望能够使用displayHoras(); onkeyup for those two too. 这两个人的onkeyup也是如此。 (2 many 2s on this thread already). (该线程上已经有2个2)。 when I use displayHoras(); 当我使用displayHoras(); instead of displayTotal(); 而不是displayTotal(); it works, but when I call both of them like this it doesnt: 它有效,但是当我这样称呼他们两个时,它没有:

<input type="text" id="start0" value="0" name="start[]" onkeyup="displayTotal();displayHoras();"/>
<input type="text" id="end0" value="0" name="end[]"  onkeyup="displayTotal();displayHoras();"/>

Any help will be welcomed. 任何帮助都将受到欢迎。

I'll share the code of both functions because...who knows? 我将共享这两个函数的代码,因为...谁知道? The problem might be there, right? 问题可能在那里,对吧?

function displayTotal()
   var tableRows = document.getElementById('budgetTable').getElementsByTagName('tr');
   var totalDays = tableRows.length - 3; //Don't count the header rows and the Total rows

   var totalPrice = 0;

   var price = filterNum(document.getElementById( 'txtPrice' ).value);
   var totalField = document.getElementById( 'txtTotal' );

   var tempHours = 0;
   var tempTotal = 0; 

   for(var i = 0; i < totalDays; i++)
       tempHours = document.getElementById("end" + i).value - document.getElementById("start" + i).value;
       tempTotal = tempHours * price;

       document.getElementById("total" + i).innerHTML = formatCurrency(tempTotal);
       totalPrice += tempTotal;
   totalField.value = formatCurrency(totalPrice*1.21); 

function displayHoras()
    var tableRows = document.getElementById('budgetTable').getElementsByTagName('tr');
    var totalDays = tableRows.length - 3;

    var tempHours = 0;
    var tempTotal = 0;

    for(var i = 0; i < totalDays; i++)
       tempHours = document.getElementById("end" + i).value - document.getElementById("start" + i).value;
       document.getElementById("totalHoras" + i).innerHTML = tempHours;         

EDIT: I added the functions that create the table below. 编辑:我添加了创建下表的功能。

function keyUpCall() {displayHoras(); displayTotal();}
function addRowToTable()
    var tbl = document.getElementById('budgetTable');
    var lastRow = tbl.rows.length - 4;
    var iteration = lastRow;
    var entry = iteration - 1; //because we started with day0, etc 
    var row = tbl.insertRow(lastRow);

    // day cell
    var cellDay = row.insertCell(0);
    cellDay.appendChild(createInput('text','dia' + entry, '', keyUpCall, 'dia' + entry));

    // start cell
    var cellStart = row.insertCell(1);
    cellStart.appendChild(createInput('text','start' + entry, 0, keyUpCall, 'start' + entry));

    // end cell
    var cellEnd = row.insertCell(2);
    cellEnd.appendChild(createInput('text','end' + entry, 0, keyUpCall, 'end' + entry));

    // precio unitario
    var cellPrecioUnitario = row.insertCell(3);
    cellPrecioUnitario.appendChild(createInput('text', null, '$36', null, null));

    // total HOras
    var cellTotalHoras = row.insertCell(4);
    cellTotalHoras.id = 'totalHoras' + entry;

    // total cell
    var cellTotal = row.insertCell(5);
    cellTotal.id = 'total' + entry;


function createInput(type, id, value, action, name)
    var el = document.createElement('input');
    el.type = type;
    el.id = id;
    el.value = value;
    el.onkeyup = action;
    el.name = name;
    return el;

At this point, the action is not even attached for some reason. 此时,由于某种原因,甚至没有执行该操作。

Edit2: I SOLVED THE PROBLEM!!! Edit2:我解决了这个问题!!! IUPI!! IUPI! it was this line: var totalDays = tableRows.length - 3; 就是这一行:var totalDays = tableRows.length-3;

In the previous version of this form I was using 3 extra rows, my client got me to add a couple extra ones for Tax and without Tax result. 在此表单的先前版本中,我使用了3个额外的行,我的客户让我添加了几个额外的税款,而没有税款结果。 I changed it to: var totalDays = tableRows.length - 5; 我将其更改为:var totalDays = tableRows.length-5; And that fixed it! 这样就解决了!


function function1(){ displayTotal(); displayHoras();}

I'd recommend creating a function that then calls your two functions, eg: 我建议创建一个函数,然后调用您的两个函数,例如:

function handleKeyUp() { // Or `updateDisplay` or some such

Putting too much text within the onXYZ attributes is problematic (though I'm not immediately seeing why yours isn't working). onXYZ属性中放置太多文本是有问题的(尽管我没有立即看到为什么您的文本不起作用)。

Off-topic 1 : I'd also suggest hooking up event handlers using DOM2 methods ( addEventListener on standards-compliant browsers, attachEvent on IE8 and below) rather than using DOM0 mechanisms like onXYZ attributes. 主题外1 :我还建议使用DOM2方法(在符合标准的浏览器上使用addEventListener ,在IE8及以下版本上使用attachEvent )连接事件处理程序,而不是使用onXYZ属性之类的onXYZ机制。

Off-topic 2 : A JavaScript library like jQuery , Prototype , YUI , Closure , or any of several others can help smooth over browser differences (and even bugs) like the event attachment stuff above, as well as providing lots of handy utility functionality. 离题2 :像jQueryPrototypeYUIClosure其他几种 JavaScript库可以帮助缓解浏览器之间的差异(甚至是错误),例如上面的事件附件,以及提供许多方便的实用程序功能。 Totally optional, but using one helps you concentrate on what you're actually trying to do, without worrying about slightly different plumbing in various different browsers. 完全可选,但是使用它可以帮助您专注于实际要执行的操作,而不必担心各种不同浏览器中的管道略有不同。

old school javascript ^^ 老派的JavaScript ^^

try this instead of the attribute variant, and use bugzilla, or a javascript debugger 试试这个代替属性变量,然后使用bugzilla或javascript调试器

var checks_keyup = function() {

var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) {
        inputs[i].onkeyup = checks_keyup;

Try calling second function withing the first function itself, 尝试使用第一个函数本身调用第二个函数,

function displayTotal()
\\.....your code



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