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[英]Devise and user registration requiring admin approval

I would like to implement the following registration system : 我想实现以下注册系统:

  1. User signs up and is redirected to a thank you for signing up page (is NOT sent an email and cannot yet log in) 用户注册并被重定向到感谢您注册页面(未发送电子邮件且尚无法登录)
  2. Admin logs in and sees list of newly registered (but as yet unapproved) users 管理员登录并查看新注册(但尚未批准)用户的列表
  3. Admin edits user details and clicks 'Approved' which then sends email with password to new user 管理员编辑用户详细信息并单击“已批准”,然后将带有密码的电子邮件发送给新用户

How can I do this with Devise? 我怎么能用Devise做到这一点?

这可以在Devise wiki的页面中找到。

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