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[英]join list with linq-to-sql query

I have list of MyObject that looks like this: 我有看起来像这样的MyObject列表:

public class MyObject{
  public int FruitID {get;set;}
  public string FruitName {get;set;}

List<MyObject> TheList = new List<MyObject>();

This list is populated with a linq-to-sql query. 此列表填充有linq-to-sql查询。 I'm looking to create a join between this list and a table that contains FruitID as its foreign key. 我正在寻找此列表和包含FruitID作为其外键的表之间的联接。

The table HarvestTimes looks like this: 表HarvestTimes看起来像这样:

FruitID   |   HarvestDatetime  |   RipeFactor
   3      |        3/4/2011    |       2
   3      |        4/5/2011    |       4
   3      |        5/5/2011    |       3
   4      |        3/21/2011   |       2
   4      |        4/10/2011   |       2
   4      |        5/10/2011   |       2

This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

var TheQuery = (from list in TheList
                join fruit in MyDC.HarvestTimes on
                list.FruitID equals fruit.FruitID
                where ....
                select new MyObject{... }).ToList();

I'm have some trouble with the Where clause. 我对Where子句有些麻烦。 How do I get only the Fruit where the RipeFactor was always 2. For instance, Fruit 3 has a RipeFactor of 2 but also has 4 and whereas only Fruit4 has only 2s. 我如何只获得FruitFactor始终为2的水果例如,水果3的RichFactor为2,但也有4,而只有Fruit4的只有2s。 I tried with Contains but both fruits come up. 我尝试了Contains,但是两种水果都出现了。

Thanks for your suggestions. 感谢您的建议。

Assuming there is a Relationship between the tables HaverstTime and Fruit: 假设表HaverstTime和Fruit之间存在关系:

var TheQuery = MyDC.HarvestTimes
    .Where(p => TheList.Select(q => q.FruitID).Contains(p.FruitID))
    .GroupBy(p => p.Fruit)
    .Where(p => p.All(q => q.RipeFactor == 2))
    .Select(p => p.Key);

This will create a IEnumerable<Fruit> which I think can be easily converted to MyObject. 这将创建一个IEnumerable<Fruit> ,我认为它可以轻松转换为MyObject。

Update: Oops I forgot to add TheList.Select(q => q.FruitID). 更新:糟糕,我忘记添加TheList.Select(q => q.FruitID)。 That's why it didn't compile. 这就是为什么它没有编译的原因。 Sorry =) 对不起=)

Update2: Do the same, considering Ripefactor = 2 and 3 更新2:考虑Ripefactor = 2和3,执行相同操作

var TheQuery = MyDC.HarvestTimes
    .Where(p => TheList.Select(q => q.FruitID).Contains(p.FruitID))
    .GroupBy(p => p.Fruit)
    .Where(p => p.All(q => q.RipeFactor == 2 || q.RipeFactor == 3))
    .Select(p => p.Key);

I think this would work 我认为这会工作

var fruit = (from list in TheList
             join fruit in
               (from fr in MyDc.HarvestTimes
                group fr by fr.FruitID into fg
                where !fg.Any(f => f.RipeFactor != 2)
                select fg)
             on list.FruitID equals fruit.Key
             select new MyObject{... }).ToList();

Update - If you only want to return the distinct list of FruitIDs you need to select fg.Key instead of fg 更新-如果您只想返回FruitID的唯一列表,则需要选择fg.Key而不是fg

var fruit = (from list in TheList
             join fruit in
               (from fr in MyDc.HarvestTimes
                group fr by fr.FruitID into fg
                where !fg.Any(f => f.RipeFactor != 2)
                select fg.Key)
              on list.FruitID equals fruit
              select new MyObject{... }).ToList();

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