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[英]What is the outcome in javascript with multiple librarys that use $

Let's pretend this is in the <head> of your html page. 让我们假装这是在你的html页面的<head>中。

OOPS this was a bit that was missing before... : OOPS之前有点遗漏......

<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/js/billys.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/js/susies.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/js/marys.js"></script>

Order of the 3 scripts could vary. 3个脚本的顺序可能会有所不同。 What would be the outcome? 会有什么结果?

Billy defines $ as 比利将$定义为

function $ () {
 return false;

Susie defines $ as 苏西将$定义为

function $ () {
 return document.getElementById('body');

Mary defines $ as 玛丽将$定义为

function $ () {
 alert('I wrote this');

Whatever is last is the final definition of $ 无论什么是最后的$的最终定义

That is why in (for example) jQuery there is noConflict() which lets you use a different variable than $ for jQuery 这就是为什么在(例如)jQuery中有noConflict()允许你使用不同的变量而不是$ for jQuery

Why not try it? 为什么不试试呢?

function $ () {
 return false;
function $ () {
 return document.getElementById('body');
function $ () {
 alert('I wrote this');
$(); // alerts "I wrote this"

The later definition overwrites the existing one. 后面的定义会覆盖现有的定义。 This is why it's generally good practice to check whether a function already exists before defining it. 这就是为什么在定义函数之前检查函数是否已存在的一般做法。 eg 例如

if (typeof $ !== 'function') {
    function $(){ /* your code */}

or to fail in some sensible way. 或以某种明智的方式失败。


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