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[英]UINavigationController Back Button position


You could create a custom button and place in on the right hand side. 您可以创建一个自定义按钮,并将其放置在右侧。 You could assign an action to the button which performs your going back functionality. 您可以将操作分配给执行返回功能的按钮。

The problem with this is that your back button wouldn't have the look and feel of the traditional back button that users have come to expect, and your app may be rejected for going against this very common user interface design. 这样做的问题是您的后退按钮不具有用户期望的传统后退按钮的外观和感觉,并且您的应用可能因违反这种非常常见的用户界面设计而被拒绝。

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