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[英]Get DOM elements of a popup for jQuery manipulation

I am creating a popup as follows: 我正在创建一个弹出窗口如下:

   var comet = {

        popup: null, 

        newPopup: function(windowsname, w, h){
            this.popup = window.open(windowsname, windowsname, 'width=' + w + ',height=' + h);
            var self = comet;
            var logOut= null;
                logOut = self.popup.document.getElementById('logout');
                $(logOut).live('click', function(){
                    return false;

        some_function: function(){
             //calling it here:

The logOut sometimes (usually on the 1st window open) returns null. logOut有时(通常在第一个窗口打开)返回null。 Also, the click handler never goes through and the original click handler operates. 此外,单击处理程序永远不会通过,原始单击处理程序也会运行。

How do I overwrite the real click handler of the popup? 如何覆盖弹出窗口的真实点击处理程序?
Both pages are on my site, so there should be no cross site issues.. 这两个页面都在我的网站上,所以应该没有跨站点问题..

Here is a fiddle that shows a little of what I am trying to do: http://jsfiddle.net/maniator/K2B3q/ 这是一个小提琴,展示了我想要做的一些事情: http//jsfiddle.net/maniator/K2B3q/

Tested and working in Firefox 4 and Chrome 11. Check it out. 在Firefox 4和Chrome 11中经过测试和使用。 请查看。

    var comet =
        popup: null,  
        newPopup: function(url, w, h)
            this.popup = window.open(url, url, 'width=' + w + ',height=' + h);
            var self = this;

            this.popup.onload = function ()
              var doc = this.document,
                  script = doc.createElement('script');
              script.src = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js';
              script.onload = function ()
                  function setup()
                      $('#logout').click(function () { alert('It worked!'); });

                  script = doc.createElement('script');
                  script.textContent = "(" + setup.toString() + ")();";


        foo: function()
            this.newPopup('http://jsbin.com/amuza3/2', 600, 400);

    $('#clickme').click(function ()

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