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[英]LocationManager change provider on the fly

Does LocationManager have the ability to change, from example, from GPS to a more course provider, should the device lose its GPS signal? LocationManager是否有能力从GPS更改为更多的课程提供商,设备是否应该丢失其GPS信号?

As far as I know it's not, but I'm not 100% sure, so I need to ask 据我所知不是,但是我不确定100%,所以我需要问

(The reason I ask, is I'm tempted to make my own LocationManagerManager that handles these sorts of problems. I might have it accept multiple Criteria objects which are tried in some sort of order under various circumstances that the traditional LocationManager isn't flexible enough for. But I don't want to be reinventing the wheel, eg if Google have handled this in some method/class unknown to me). (我问的原因是,我很想让自己的LocationManagerManager处理这类问题。我可能会让它接受多个Criteria对象,这些对象在各种情况下会以某种顺序尝试,而传统的LocationManager不灵活但是我不想重新发明轮子,例如,如果Google用我不知道的某种方法/类来处理这个问题)。

Thanks 谢谢

Not that I'm aware of: your option is probably the best idea. 并不是我所知道的:您的选择可能是最好的主意。 Register for all the available providers and then return the best available Location value. 注册所有可用的提供者,然后返回最佳的可用位置值。

Yeah, it's already available. 是的,它已经可用。 Just google it, u must get it. 只是谷歌它,你必须得到它。 Check this function out : 检查此功能:

` `

public boolean testProviders() {  
    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "testProviders");  
    String location_context = Context.LOCATION_SERVICE;  
    locationmanager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(location_context);  
    List<String> providers = locationmanager.getProviders(true);  
    for (String provider : providers) {    
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "registering provider " + provider);  
        listener = new LocationListener() {  
            public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {  
                // keep checking the location - until we have  
                // what we need   
                //if (!checkLoc(location)) { 
                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "onLocationChanged");  
                locationDetermined = checkLoc(location);   
            public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) { 
            public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
            public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status,  
                    Bundle extras) {  
        locationmanager.requestLocationUpdates(provider, 0,  
                0, listener);  
    Log.e(LOG_TAG, "getting updates");  
    return true;  

` `

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