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[英]Trying to modify a file with PHP

The function remove_tags has to go into the file and remove </channel></rss> . 函数remove_tags必须进入文件并删除</channel></rss> However I can't seem to get it to work without overwriting the whole file. 但是,如果不覆盖整个文件,我似乎无法工作。

$file_name = "rss.xml";

if (!file_exists($file_name)) {


function initialize_xml($name) {
        $rss = fopen($name, 'w+') or die('can\'t open file_init');
        fwrite($rss, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<channel>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<title>CBS IT Update Feed</title>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<description>This feed will keep users up to date on IT issues that may arise</description>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<link>http://google.com</link>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<managingEditor>max.mackie@blood.ca</managingEditor>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<webMaster>max.mackie@blood.ca</webMaster>\n\n");
        fwrite($rss, "</channel></rss>");

function write_content($name) {
        $rss = fopen($name, 'a') or die('can\'t open file_write');
        fwrite($rss, "<item>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "<title>");
        fwrite($rss, $_POST['title']);
        fwrite($rss, "</title>\n");

        fwrite($rss, "<description><![CDATA[");
        fwrite($rss, $_POST['desc']);
        fwrite($rss, "]]></description>\n");

        fwrite($rss, "<date>");
        $today = getdate();
        $timestamp_format = $today['weekday'] . ' ' . $today['month'] . ' ' . $today['mday'] . ' ' . $today['hours'] . ' ' . $today['minutes'] . ' ' . $today['seconds'];
        fwrite($rss, $timestamp_format);
        fwrite($rss, "</date>\n");
        fwrite($rss, "</item>\n\n");

function close_tags($name) {
        $rss = fopen($name, 'a') or die('can\'t open file_close');
        fwrite($rss, "</channel></rss>");

function remove_tags($name) {
        $lines = file_get_contents('$name');
        str_replace("</channel></rss>", " ", $lines);
        $rss = fopen($name, 'w') or die('can\'t open file_remove');
        fwrite($rss, $lines);

function finish() {
        echo "The article <i> ";
        echo $_POST['title'];
        echo "</i>  has been added to the feed.<br>";
        echo "<a href=\"index.html\">Go Back</a> or <a href=\"rss.xml\">View the Feed</a>";

According to the docs on str_replace , your str_replace line should be: 根据str_replace上的文档 ,您的str_replace行应该是:

$lines = str_replace("</channel></rss>", " ", $lines);

Also, your file_get_contents call in remove_tags is reading a non existant file because of quotes (which is why $lines is empty when you write it back to the file). 另外,你的remove_tags中的file_get_contents调用是因为引号而读取一个不存在的文件(这就是当你把它写回文件时$ lines为空的原因)。 That line should look like so: 那条线应该是这样的:

$lines = file_get_contents($name);

you need to replace 你需要更换

str_replace("</channel></rss>", " ", $lines);


$lines = str_replace("</channel></rss>", " ", $lines);

in the remove_tags function 在remove_tags函数中

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