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[英]How to sort a list with sublists (common Lisp)

How to sort a list with sublists? 如何使用子列表对列表进行排序?

(setq list '((0) (1) (2) (0 1 5) (0 1 3) (0 1 5) (0 3 0) (0) (1) 
             (2 7 19) (0 0 3 0)))

; restricting the sort to only the first element:

(sort (copy-seq list) #'< :key #'car)

--> ((0) (0 1 5) (0 1 3) (0 1 5) (0 3 0) (0) (0 0 3 0) (1) (1) (2) (2 7 19))

The output I am looking for is sort on all elements of the sublist: 我正在寻找的输出是对子列表的所有元素排序:

--> ((0) (0) (0 0 3 0) (0 1 3) (0 1 5) (0 1 5) (0 3 0) (1) (1) (2) (2 7 19))

Start by defining a function that determines whether one list is less than another. 首先定义一个函数,确定一个列表是否小于另一个列表。 The following example assumes that the lists can only contain numbers: 以下示例假定列表只能包含数字:

(defun list< (a b)
  (cond ((null a) (not (null b)))
        ((null b) nil)
        ((= (first a) (first b)) (list< (rest a) (rest b)))
        (t (< (first a) (first b))) ))

Armed with this function, you can now sort the list of lists. 使用此功能,您现在可以对列表列表进行排序。

(sort (copy-seq list) #'list<)

To sort on all elements of a sublist, use a custom function for the sort predicate or key . 要对子列表的所有元素进行排序,请使用自定义函数作为排序谓词 Change the sort predicate to a custom function that can determine the order of two sublists. 排序谓词更改为可以确定两个子列表顺序的自定义函数。 Alternatively, change the sort key to a custom function that reduces the sublist to a sortable value. 或者,将排序键更改为自定义函数,将子列表减少为可排序值。

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